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  1. Hi I am looking for a way to read and write data from PLC omron words, bits via FINS or EtherNet/IP protocol using python programming lang. Does anyone have any results in this? I really want to see your work, because all my attempts have failed. Thanks.
  2. cj2m

    hi i am wrting an essay about my final project , i created a scada for omron plc (CJ2M) in factory . ( i am a computer data student )  the thing is , i can't find a good and an easy  documentation ( not the CJ2M datasheet ) to talk about the CJ2M component (port and stuff like that) any help please ?   
  3. Hello guys I am a beginner in FINS TCP communication and I am trying to do a FINS TCP communication between an omron PLC CP1L-E in client mode to communicate with my PC that is in server mode, I am using the SocketTest v3.0.0 program that is in listening mode and still was unable to receive any information from the CLP, can you help me? The program and some images of the simulation are attached Thanks for reading SERVER PC IP ADDRESS CLIENT PLC IP ADDRESS tcp socket_vms.cxp
  4. I am new to automation systems and devices and I just want to know how to connect two HMI's (each one would control different things) to one PLC using Sysmac Studio and NB-Designer via Ethernet. The model of the PLC is NX1029020 and the HMI's are one NB10W-TW01B and an NB7W-TW01B. I searched for info about this topic online but I couldn't find anything that worked for me, I saw an article from OMRON where they connect two NB's to the CP series, but in my case, NB designer doesn't allow me to insert more than one HMI in the same project, I also found something similar on a youtube video that gave me an idea about how to connect multiple HMIs exporting the pks file and importing it to another HMI project but I still can´t figure out how to add both to my PLC. I would thank you a lot if you could help me with this because I know it's not a rare implementation, just I haven´t found the right way to do it. I also leave the links to the Omron article and the youtube video I found.
  5. Hi, I have quite a noobie question. I want to create a function block to do some simple operations on 2 variables. Both variables are In/Outs (see picture attached). How can I make this function accept variables regardless of the data type? Given these is just simple math I am able to use the same instructions in REAL, INT, UINT, etc. But, the function block only lets me assign one Data Type to the In/Out variables.
  6. Hi there, I have a controller NX1P2-1140DT. I want to control a VFD with modbus serial communication. Can someone help me start from scratch ?
  7. Hi. I have this project with NJ501-1300, in the ethercat settings we add a air valve called EX260-SEC1. When this unit is alone in the ethercat settings, it works without a problem, as expected. But when we add the servos that goes into the machine (ED1F CoE Drive (HiWin)) (Or Ezi-Servo2 ALL), then the air valve goes into error, even if the other ethercat devices are disabled.   We have tried both sysmac 1.45 and 1.47, the plc has 1.43 firmware. We have tried to create a new emptyh project and using different computers, the same error pops up when anything else than the air valve are added to the ethercat config. Any idea how to solve this?
  8. Hi all, I am a new user of on NA Omron HMI, and I need your help to solve a problem. In my case, I have to get a HMI global variable value in, but the VariableName is in an other variable (string). For example: Var1=4 Var2=6 VarName="Var1" I worked with a "SetVariable" function to modify the value of different variables, but right now I need to read the actual value, in the example values 4 and 6.  Do you have any suggestion?
  9. Hey all, I am having some issues with a Keyence IV2 camera which has Ethernet/IP functionality.  To summarize briefly, it has been configured and reading the data into my PLC (NJ501) into a structure data type.  The issue I'm having is that I cannot control this on a bit level for triggering the camera, etc.  I was reading that a Union type is the way to go, but unfortunately, I stopped getting data into the PLC when setting it up that way.  According to the configuration guide for Rockwell and setting it up in the Network Configurator, I needed to go with the SINT type.  When registering the device, the 8-bit option was necessary since the Input/Output sizes needed to match.  This was predetermined by the EDS file for the IV2. I am stumped as to how to get the data to read into the Union Type, and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, -K  
  10. I encountered an issue that technical support was not exactly able to help me out with, and I wanted to share what I learned here for the next guy. Specifications: Omron NA5 HMI v1.10 connected to NJ PLC via Ethernet Issue: Made a change to a screen where I copied and pasted a button from a different screen.  The screen where the button was copied to had some sort of issue, but it was still able to compile and transfer to the HMI.  It worked for several days until the HMI was power cycled by maintenance, and it was stuck in a black loading screen saying "Initialising Variable System" with a scrolling wheel and green LED on the HMI panel.  It stayed in this loop indefinitely.  The HMI still had a ping, could be connected to from Sysmac Studio, and could be transferred to and from.  Troubleshooting section of the HMI mentions something about initializing failure with a red LED which required a system recovery, but no description for this state. Troubleshooting: Power cycled the HMI, but this resulted it getting stuck back in the same loop. Connected with Sysmac Studio with most recent backup and transferred from the HMI to get the current program.  Before transferring in this synchronize step, I could see a page that was on the target device that wasn't in the source.  I'm not exactly sure how it got there as it wasn't in my backup, but I had green in the comparison list when I shouldn't have.   Reverted program changes, downloaded to the HMI, and power cycled.  Still stuck in black screen with same message. After several other modifications, I eventually had a heavily stripped down program of the backup and downloaded to HMI.  Power cycled with same message. Resolution: In Sysmac Studio under HMI View, select HMI from ribbon, select Clear All Memory, confirm the target device, and select OK.  Once this has factory reset, I made sure the IP address was configured as necessary, connected, transferred backup, and all is well with the HMI now.  Even after loading a backup from several months ago, I could not clear this issue without a factory reset. Hope this helps!
  11. I am getting data of Modbus , LSB in one word and MSB in next Word, Please help and guide so that i can combine these byte,. need to do for 8 consecutive words of Data, OMRON CP1E with CP1W-CIF11 And LnT Fx2000 VFD Modbus Communication. Attached is the my program.     LT_CP_MODBUS3.opt LT_CP_MODBUS3.cxp
  12. Wait Command

    Hi, I'm quite new to the PLC programming, I saw this delay input in one of the videos, that automatically switched to 1 after a set time, it wasn't a timer, just an contact input with time delay
  13. Hi I have encountered a problem with CX-integrator. I'm not able to open the program. The following message appears:  System error. Save the date and close the application.  (Error code 0035) I have tried to reinstall the entire CX-one packet.  Any ideas?  Regards MBD
  14. Hello, i am a novice when it comes to PLC programming so i was wondering if i could get some help designing a ladder circuit that allows me to control the speed of a motor connected to a VFD from my HMI. the components i am working with are as follows, NX1P2 omron PLC (with a few digital input & output cards), NA5-7 (V1) omron HMI, and a yaskawa GA500 VFD. Essentially i have a customer who would like to view and make adjustments the speed of a group of VFD's from their HMI located on the main control cabinet. I would like a little help designing the circuit within the controller (If at all possible) or maybe a bit of guidance as to the type of functions i can use to get the desired results.   any and all help is much appreciated, thanks
  15. Hi gents, I need to build up a communication between nx1p2 to another omron plc (any type with sql support). This is due to the fact that I have finaly to prepare the plc communication with the sql database, and nx1p2 doesnt support this.  Sorry, i know it's probably a noob question, but I'm a beginner. What type of technology i shoud use to make this connection between NX1P2 and another Omron PLC? Or might be some share some project?  
  16. hi everyone, I'm using 3g3mx2-a4022-v1 inverter, and to control the inverter, I decided to use the 3-wire input function & control the inverter from touch screen nb7w-tw01b, connected to cp2e-n60dr-a. now i already followed the manual on how to set it up. however, the inverter didn't run as expected. have i missing any step in setting up the 3-wire input function? currently i've set the c001 => 20, c002 => 21, c003 => 22, a002 => 01. is there any setting that i've missed? thanks in advance 
  17. Hi there I was reading this thread: And trying to create 3 axes. 1 virtual axis and 2 real axis, I would like to use MC_GearIn for each real axes so both real ones follow  the virtual axis (so both can move in sync motion). But my question is: If I give Move cmd(Absolute or relative)to master virtual axis and since it's virtual, it is not going to move then how can the other real ones follow the master(assuming that it's literally electronic gearing).  Any help will be appreciated!
  18. Hi. I have been up, down left and right in sysmac looking for the safety cpu's to add. If i open a project that has these devices, "Safety CPU device" shows in their toolbox window, while my project that does not have any safety added (trying to), does not have the "Safety CPU device" in toolbox. Any idea how to get it to show up so i can add the SCPU?  
  19. Hello everyone I'm trying to measure the size of an object 20mm long with an error of +-0.05mm. then which camera of omron should i choose and how to calibrate it to get the most accurate measurement. What is the formula for calculating the measurement error of the camera? Thanks
  20. robot omron i4

    hi everyone i am wanting to connect PLC to I4L via tcp/ip. However, the documentation was not found. If someone has already done it please guide me.
  21. Hi there This attached pic I got from Omron motion control manual. I am trying to wrap my head around it. Does it mean that the slave servo axis is gonna follow master encoder axis using GearIn FB?? If so, then Can we executive Move FB on encoder axis? Looking forward to your responses.  
  22. Hi all:   Hope somebody will help me with the below error encounter on the NA. I mapped a external device (NJ PLC) variable (which is a structure) to a NA Global variable and the structure is automatically created in the NA data type as expected. I then create a new NA global variable and defined its data type as the auto created structure. However i observe the created new NA global variable is highlighted with an error "a data type cannot be used by both mapped and unmapped variable ....." ( pls refer to the attached screen).  I have found and view on the Youtube this video :"Introduction To The NA DataTypes" (link: that clearly show the "imported" structure can be used for unmapped NA global variable even there is some variable already mapped to external device variable (starting from the 3:50minutes mark of the video). In my NA program i would need to create such unmapped variable for my logic use. Also i observe that i was unable to delete the auto created structure from the NA Data Types even after i deleted all variables that are defined with that specific structure. How can i delete such auto created structure in case i want to clear off some of those unused data types. I am using Sysmac Studio version The HMI Device created is the NA5-9W00 (version 1.11)          
  23. Remote Omron and Yaskawa control

    Information : On the websites - (and https://abrysshost ) detailed information about the construction of remote diagnostics and control (Iot) systems for control systems of objects based on OMRON and Yaskawa controllers. The information is presented in Russian and English.
  24. Hi everyone, I'm new here. Thank you all in advance for the help you can give me. I have one machine with PLC Omron NJ101-9000, and this is Server in the Modbus communication. In the attachments, you can find the function block I used to communicate with 1 client. This work OK and I don't have problems, but I need to communicate with 2 clients at the same time. This block only admits one connection at a time. How I can connect 2 at a time? If I create 2 of these blocks, does each client need to connect to a different port? Do I need "open" this port in PLC configuration?   Thanks!
  25. Here is a step by step tutorial... Utilizing the CX Server DDE Manager will allow us to provide a link to the information in the Omron PLC. This link can be placed on an Excel spreadsheet. Charts, graphs, etc. can be made from the data. We will create links on an excel spread sheet from a CQM1H and a CP1L PLC. The information will then be displayed as a bar graph comparing the first ten memory areas. Here is a step by step tutorial... Watch on YouTube : Implementing the Omron CX Server DDE and Excel Let me know what you think. Regards, Garry