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  1. Hello, has anyone noticed that plenty (not all) forum posts are changed to quotes from TWControls? What is happening here?  Hopefully only a momentary breakdown  
  2. Subroutine bug across POUs

    Hello, I have a subroutine error that I cannot figure out. I had about a 45k step ladder project with about 50 subroutines running great. I decided to add another subroutine and I get this error (attached.) Error H33E7 which means there is some structural ordering issue. I have had this before and it was always that I forgot my RET or I deleted a RET on accident after a subroutine definition. No prob, easy fix. However, that is not the case with this issue I am having. After cutting code out of my project until the error went away, it came down to specifically this: (see simple code attached) This is a test project separate from my main project to replicate the issue. Notice in the Navigation panel that I have two POU's under main program. POU2 shown in the picture is M0 controlling a call for P1. FEND, then P1 is defined as a simple INC Z0 and then RET. This is the exact 'structure' in my working subroutine ladders but with much more complex operations; where, I define 50 or so subs P1-100 thereabouts, and call them throughout my other POU's, and each sub is 25-100 rungs. This code you see does not error until I added POU1. Meaning, building and simulating POU2 by itself will work. Adding POU1 is a simple SM401 (always off) controlling INC Z1. Its just a dead line to make POU1 a thing when compiled. Then I get the error. No matter what is in POU1, the error will exist. This basically means I cant have any other POU's without a structural error when using subroutines. In diagnostics while simulating (and on the FX5UC PLC unit I have, I tested if it wasnt just simulation), I can jump to the error line. It will always point to the first line of POU1. This is important to note: in my full program with the 50 subs, when the error occurs, it will pick one of my 7 POUs and say error at the first line of it. If I unregistered that POU that is marked, the error will simply jump to another POU, and so on until it was reduced to basically the sample code I showed in the attached. The error went away when it was 1 POU.   But in my working project (before implementing this sub that caused all this issue) all these subs work and there are several POUs. I spent a 2days on this so I am just g oing to copy paste this code I intended to sub many times just to move forward, but I want o understand what is the hangup. The test project was me just trying to write a sub again and apparently I cannot anymore. Thoughts? I appreciate it, thanks.        
  3. Q-Series - Operation Error 4100

    Hi guys. I found error on PLC and from PLC diagnostic I found this Operation Error 4100 as per attach picture. FYI, there is no SD card mount onto this PLC. I wonder what is ATA card. This error wont affect the operation. Any advise on what to check?   This ladder is pop up when I clicked, error jump.   Thanks.
  4. Mewnet RS232c

    I wanted to online in FPWIN GR7s to FP-X C30t but it show MEWNET device
  5. Hello, today I had a fault on a PLC, luckily, I was able to clear it and we could start production back up, however now I'm worried it may happen again and shut us back down.  I am fairly new to PLCs and have only been working with them for a little over a month.  I took a picture of the fault before I cleared it(see below). What would be the cause of the fault below and should I be worried about it reoccurring?  Thanks
  6. PLC Omron CP2E-N ERR/ALM Flashing

    The beginning of the error/alarm event, the red LED flashes on the CP2E-N PLC. The CX-Programmer diagram was created then I transferred it to the PLC along with setting the new IP address, the process went smoothly, after I restarted the PLC indicator, the Run power led was on, Run was also on, err/alm flashing and Ethernet 1 was on. The result is that the PLC cannot connect to the laptop or HMI via Ethernet. Help me please! Omron PLC CP2E-N Error Flashing.mp4 How do I reset the CP2E-N PLC so that the err/alm doesn't flash?
  7. A2SHcpu ROM Error Code 17

    Working with A2SHcpu and something went wrong. Cleared PLC memory and I have an error code 17 (ROM). I don't know how to clear this. I have tried creating a new project and parameters but when I try downloading parameters only it gets to about 13% then says complete. When I read the parameters back from the PLC they have not changed and are still at factory default. There is no memory card that I can see in the processor. Any help or guidance would be much appreciated.
  8. Hi all, I have an issue with Mitsubishi GOT Simple Series. After write to GOT, everything okay. All the hmi button functioning well. But after turn off and on the hmi, It will appear "SCREEN ERROR".  Any idea what can I check? 
  9. Hi Everyone,I have a customer that needs a CQM1H (CPU51) replaced. They purchased the processor new-old-stock from a source they found online. It arrived in the original packaging and had the safety label around the top of the unit, so it seems that it is as advertised and no need to suspect that it would have problems. I purchased secondhand, a power supply to attach to it and program it from the bench instead of in the machine. The customer also provided me with an SD card containing the project file(s) for the machine. I am able to load the project in CX-ONE (running on Win 7) just fine. My computer has a native serial port (COM1) and I built a programming cable to work with the DB9 peripheral port according to a diagram I found online.The processor powers up right away with the ERR/ALM continuously on. No other LEDs came on initially, and after a bit of playing around with communications settings, I finally landed the right protocol and my computer seemed to identify the processor correctly. I compiled the source and attempted a transfer to the PLC. I got some failed message (or maybe messages) at the end of the transfer. It did seem to send all of the binary code, it just ended with an error message that I unfortunately didn't write down or grab a screenshot.Anyway, what I have now is a PLC processor with the ERR/ALM LED on always, I've never seen it in RUN mode, and now after the programming attempt, I'm seeing the COMM LED strobing at about a .5sec frequency (with or without a cable attached to the peripheral port), AND I cannot get CX-Programmer to again acknowledge the processor anymore. I'd like to reset this back to the way it arrived to me, but can't figure out how to make that happen offline. The DIP switches don't seem to cause that effect. I should say also that the DIP switch settings are all OFF except 3 and 7.Any help is much appreciated!Thanks,John  
  10. Hi there!   I'm trying to communicate a Weintek cMT2128X with a CP2EN via Ethernet. The thing is I'm getting 'No device response' messages every 2-3 seconds. They'are connected at some point because some values are updated, but the connection error keeps showing up. So far I've checked: - Comm. settings are okay in both sides - Wiring is good - Happens the same with a CJ2 CPU. - There are two arrays of 50 UINT each, I don't know if that's slowing things but that would surprise me...   I've worked with Weintek HMIs before (communicating with different CPUs: LOGO!, CP1, CJ2...) and never had this problem. I just set the IP addresses and everything was working fine, so I guess I'm missing something. Hope you can throw some light at this! Thanks in advance
  11. Hi   I want to look into a program i recieved, but i get this error when trying to open it. Im running the 30day trial atm, but i got the same error when I ran the 1.45 version earlier.   Never used sysmac before, so if anyone has a tip, it would be nice
  12. Hi all , I have been using MELSEC - Q series plc for the past two project i dont find any issue with that but for the third project  used same PLC same model but there is issue which I found unable to resolve  The issue is when i try to communicate PLC using LAN cable by direct ethernet connection it works normally but by communicating using HUB network I cannot communicate, I checked all the parameters setting, I dont know what is the issue even contacted mitshubshi service to troubleshoot but they are not responding  So here i am for your guidence to solve this issue   see the images below to analyse this issue This connection is direct ethernet connection which works normally    The parameters are set and writed to PLC The IP is set to my PC for communication  When i try to find the cpu in the network it shows the cpu IP  After that I checked for connection Test it show error I have also attached the Network route which i used to communicate  Network Drawing.pdf I hope someone will help me to solve this issue Thank you , madhan ravichandran
  13. Hi all, I have an issue with Mitsubishi GOT Simple Series. After write to GOT, everything okay. All the hmi button functioning well. But after turn off and on the hmi, It will appear "SCREEN ERROR".  Any idea what can I check? 
  14. Hello,   I hope somebody can help me give me hint on where I could look. I do have an MAM command that is throwing error 11. "At least one axis is not configured to a physical motion module ora has not been assigned to a Motion Group." The error message itself is clear but the Servo is running flawless until it suddendly stops doing this (the customer states that it mostly happens after an EStop). The EStop is hardwired via the STO inputs and those are active while the error is shown. So far the only way to reset the error is to shutdown the machine and power it up again. I can't find any errors in the error logs that would hint to dig deeper. Has anyone had this error or knows how to solve this?   PLC: CompactLogix 5370 Servo: Kinetix 5500
  15. GOT2000_Comset & GOT2000_Slave

  16. Hello! I'm currently using NB designer v1.531 (Build 210511) and I'm having compilation errors. It states: Connecting... Connection Error PT HMI0 Compilation error! Cannot create pkg files! I'm have trouble understanding, what does this error mean? I'm not connecting to any HMI, I just want to compile the program and test it offline. The weirdest thing is that if i click "Compile" enough times, it will eventually compile, but this is really interrupting the workflow. Does anybody else have this issue?  
  17. I am trying to setup a CC Link between two machines. I have done this before without issue, but for some reason this is not going well.. I added a second CC link card to CPU2 and set it as ST 24 for the CPU1 network.  CPU 1 : Master.   cc0.jpg.   The original machine was setup using TO/From for each station, so i couldn't add this new link through the GUI.  CPU 2: Local cc1.jpg  When i try to use the GUI to setup this side the buffer stops working. but if i activate any TO/From instruction here i get a system fault with a 2110 SP. Unit Error CPU2 buffer cc2.jpg. But when i block the TO/From you can see the buffer is working at that exact same location specified.    2110 error says I am addressing the wrong card but the buffer proves that I am not. 
  18. i just got my NX1p2-1140DT controller with a R88D-KN04-ECT. i conneted every thing and directy got the 87 message on the display. i found out dat is becous wrong wiring I dont have the I/o cable incallt with omron they where saying that i don't need it and i can controll the motor controller full via ethercat. i already try to change to pdo mapping. what am i doing wrong? can someone help me? is it indeed true i dont need the i/o cable  thanks in advance for helping.
  19. Array A INT[32] Array Index B INT Destination C INT I am trying to move an Array (A) Element (A[2]) using a symbol (B) in ladder into a destination symbol (C) C = A [ B ] Result: ERROR: Array Index of Operand 1 out of range at rung 1 ( 6, 0 ).  The documentation suggests that it is possible, but I am unsure if there is something I am doing incorrectly. Note* Fixed indexing works with no errors Is there another method to accomplish this?   PLC : CJ2M CPU31 CX- Programmer: Verion 9.74 Update 1: If I go online to the PLC It does look like the array look up is working. Is the issue with the mov block? Update 2: I changed the memory locations which has caused a different error to appear. This error is clearer but does not explain the manual excerpt I posted further up ERROR: Only the constant can be specified for the index of the array.  at rung 5 ( 6, 0 ).  Update 3: Solution 1 I managed to hack together a proof of concept using pointers and indirect offsets  Update 4: Solution 2 For some strange reason things work as expected inside of the function blocks so I made one where the array is In-Out and with an input and output respectively. Note* External reference to pointers inside of the function block produced an error. Function block Logic     Update 5: Solution 3 Now I feel like I am going crazy, I tried just the original code again and it works... I have no idea why and if it was not for all the documentation I would be lost as to why it works now... Update 6: Conclusion It seems to have array indexing work the array index must exist in the D Memory Block. The reason it did not work above is because I somehow had a MOVR block when I tested after moving all the variables to the D Memory Block. I hope this journey helps someone else :)
  20. CP1W TS001

    Hai, I have problem with my CP1W TS001, suddenly reading result always #7FFE.  i use CP1E-N60 and 2 expansion module, AD041 and TS001. I put TS001 after AD041 then my program code as follows : mov #8051 105 mov 7 D20 mov 8 D22 the reasult at D20 & D22 always #7FFE could someone help me to solve this problem?
  21. Hello. I am writing a function block and i am getting the following error: ERROR: STRING type or an Input Output variable is not supported by the PLC of this unit version. Check the unit version in program check options. When i try to remove the string i get error: instruction is not available for current plc Is there somewhere where i can see which instructions i can use? Or is it not the string or one of my in or outputs I am doing something wrong with?   Kind regards, Ralf  
  22. Q02CPU Error 2200

    Hi All; Trying to make a backup of a Q02CPU.  Used GXWorks2 to get the program and parameter files from the working CPU.  The System is on an 8-slot rack with mixed IO including a ProfiBus module (QJ71). Got a new CPU, powered down the system and installed it after setting the DIP switches the same as the working one (2 and 3 both on, others off). Power on system. Download the program and parameters to the unit, have the ERR LED blinking and the CPU will not run.  PLC Diagnostics show this 2200 error, which when I look it up in the book starts talking about 'drives', which I find out have something to do with the DIP switches.  The combination of switches 2 and 3 indicate the parameters are to be stored in Standard ROM (Drive 4), but apparently this is not happening when I do the download of the program and parameters.   Is there a specific procedure I need to follow to put the parameters into Standard ROM (Drive 4)? Or, did I get a replacement CPU that is either A)Bad or B)does not have this Standard ROM? Or...?   Any assistance would be appreciated.   CPRenaud
  23. Hi all,I'm completely new to ASCII and trying to figure out where I'm going wrong here.Application: I need to send 2d barcode data to a KGK Jet model CCS3000L Inkjet printer. Only protocol possibility is ASCII. PLC I have is a Micro850, and the only port option for ASCII is the serial port. I modified one end of a 2707-NC11 cable to connect PLC TxD to printer RxD, PLC RxD to Printer TxD, and PLC SG to Printer SG. I jumpered CTS and RTS at the printer connector, and the 2707 cable I'm using doesn't have wires on the Micro850 CTS or RTS pins.Printer company verified that I can just jumper RTS and CTS on their side and not connect their DTR and DSR pins (since I'm not using hardware handshaking). I don't really need any flow control for the application ( I don't think...again, ASCII noob here).Do the CTS and RTS on the PLC side need to be jumpered? Does the DCD pin need to be jumpered or connected to something if I'm not using handshaking?I downloaded the Micro800 ASCII read and write functions and function blocks from Rockwell library, and they seem to be working, except that I keep getting ABL error id "7". This error states, "Cannot complete ASCII send or receive because channel configuration has been shut down using the channel configuration dialog box." I have the serial port enabled and configured to ASCII, no handshaking, baud 9600 same as printer, no parity check, 1 stop bit, character length of 8.Any help in pointing out what I'm doing wrong or things to try would be greatly appreciated!   ASCII_TEST.ccwsln
  24. Trying to log into NA HMI, NA5-7U001B  Direct, using USB or Ethernet.  All attempts failed .. tho, it was easy to log into the NJ Controller, direct, with USB or Ethernet using the same PC. Then a window popped up.. saying the firmware needed updating in the HMI, and suggested launching the "update" from the same window... Then, after a few minutes.  a "update failed" was displayed on the window.. and the HMI screen changed to this: ..and the green LED went RED ... aaaaagh!   HMI no longer works... any idea why this happened, or the failure to log in happened.. or, what it will take to fix it? Please tell me it was something Omron did .... Thanks Much, Regards, ,Michael PS:  additional info..  I was using Sysmac Studio Version 1.1 .. because I could log in to the CPU (USB and Ethernet) and not the HMI.. I changed to another PC with Sysmac Studio Version 1.17 .. Now I was only able to log into the CPU with Ethernet.. USB login failed. .. and, so did any attempt to log in to the HMI (USB or Ethernet) It looks like if you use a new version of Sysmac.. better not have a device with  "old firmware" ..  I think it was the V1.17 that presented the window suggesting the Firmware Update ...  sigh!
  25. CP1E won't connect or run program

    Hi there! Today a CP1E-E10DR-D suddenly stopped working. RUN led was off and I couldn't connect to it via USB getting this error: "Selected port does not exist. Select proper port number from Change PLC dialog and press OK button", and automatic online function didn't work as well(it's not a cable/driver problem since I successfully connected to a CJ2 CPU using same cable and PC). Since I also tried to connect with the CPU outside the control cabinet with no success, I asume there is something wrong at hardware level.  My question is, have you ever faced something like this? My plan is to try to revive it somehow (maybe trying to locate any defective component in the PCBs or something). So I was just wondering if you have any advice in order to achieve it.  Thanks in advance!