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  1. Hi this might be stupid question, but I'm trying to use these functions for recipes: SaveAllRecipes(GetSelectedRecipeTemplate("myPage","myRecipe") System.IO.File.Copy(SAVEDRECIPEPATH?, SDCARDPATH?) Where does this save file go, which path I got to copy to use on my SD card? Then also to import recipe want to: ImportRecipes(myRecipe.SelectedTemplate, SDCARDPATH? & myRecipe.SelectedTemplate & ".csv") Also mention that there's no computer connected to the controller. When I was doing my simulations I could see that SaveAllRecipes generated csv file that went to "C:\OMRON\Data\Temp" folder. But there's no computer to store the saved recipe in this case. Thx in advance
  2. I am trying to use FINS/UDP network to communicate with a Siemens device (at a customers site over seas from my home office), today I attempted to set up a SEND command based on information my customer received from a local Omron representative but had no luck.  I feel like I am missing something in a setting somewhere, does anyone have experience doing this?  I am using a CJ2M-CPU35's built in Ethernet IP port which is also communicating to 5 other Omron devices over Ethernet IP, so I am wondering if there is an issue having both networks. Thank you!
  3. Hello everybody. I need to learn PLC programming. I already have some experience with Ladder language and PLCSIM so now I need a real PLC to do more practice. I was going to buy the following unit: 6ES7211-1BE31-0XB0 It has 6 Di, 4 DO (Relay) and 2 AI, that's more than enough for me to do some practice. Do you think it would be a good idea to buy it? Or maybe this PLC doesn't have some important component or device needed to work properly? (my company will give me the software). Thank you to anyone will help me. Have a nice day, Edoardo
  4. mitsubhishi serial drivers

    Hello write now i am working with Q6UDEH PLC  project in which (nextgen 2000) 6021 card is used for conversion of serial to Ethernet data & vice versa , is it possible  by only installing the Mitsubishi serial drivers ?? or can anybody tell me how these Mitsubishi serial drivers works ??  
  5. mitsubhishi serial drivers

    Hello write now i am working with Q6UDEH PLC  project in which (nextgen 2000) 6021 card is used for conversion of serial to Ethernet data & vice versa , is it possible  by only installing the Mitsubishi serial drivers ?? or can anybody tell me how these Mitsubishi serial drivers works ??  
  6. I am using TIA Portal V14 to program a Siemens Mobile HMI (KTP900 Mobile). I would like to pull up a program 'signature' from the HMI that would allow me to verify that the code in the HMI is the correct version.  This would help prevent an accidental overwrite of old code, resulting in a single Mobile HMI that has differing code from several others that are also in use. The closest comparison would be a Safety Signature from a Safety PLC.  However, I just want to use a file checksum or similar variable that I can put on my screen. Any ideas?  I appreciate it. 
  7. All, I am using Keyence CV-X422A vision controller for my application. It is interfaced with Siemens S7-1500 PLC on PROFINET. I am able to communicate with Vision controller through PLC logic command and status IOs. There is some communication issue in updating the o/p values from Camera Controller. I have tried with & w/o Handshake Mode with these settings. The camera display shows the reject but camera never turns ON the NG Status o/p. I tried different things told by Keyence Tech support but none of them worked.  He told me to have you enable the “Result ACK Flag” in the bit allocation area and send  a signal to it. Then trigger it again with a no good part and see if that fixes the issue. I tried setting the “Result ACK Flag” to 1 after I get the “Command Complete Flag” for the trigger signal that I sent. Sometimes this works but still it is not reliable. Do I need to send only a pulse to “Result ACK Flag”? Anyone here has ever faced similar issue?  Thanks for your help. AP
  8. Greetings everyone, I have a Proface HMI(LT-4201TM Modular type DIO) connected to a siemens flow transmitter(MAG6000). Communication between these two devices is using modbus. The modbus register that im using to get the data/reading of a totalizer from siemens transmitter are 403022 and 403023. I managed to display the exact totalizer value from siemens transmitter on the Proface HMI screen. But I couldnt get the exact totalizer value at the ladder logic side, the value that i get at the ladder logic side seems like a raw value. For an example, the totalizer's value is 147083(real value), but at the ladder logic side the value for 403022=15598 and 403023=17316.   Can anyone guide me to solve this issue.   Thanks in advance.
  9. My issue is trying to receive data from a Datalogic PM9500 barcode scanner onto a Siemens ET200S (IM151-8 PN/DP) CPU using a serial interface card (6ES7 131-4BD01-0AB0) with the ASCII Protocol. The software that I'm using to program the PLC is TIA Portal V14. I made use of the built-in function block S_RCV to try and receive the data into a data block that I have created. I connected the Datalogic's base charger unit directly into the PLC's SI module. (I cut the DB9 plug off) So, Pin 5 (RXD) of the SI module is connected to the Tx wire (Brown) of the scanner, the Tx is also connected, as well as the ground, to the SI module, however, I only require the Rx. There is no flow control. Upon scanning a barcode, the Rx LED on the SI card flashes, indicating that something was received. I have tested the scanner using a terminal program called "Hercules", and I am receiving what I should be when I scan something. The parameters such as Parity, Stop Bits, and Baud Rate, etc, of the scanner corresponds to that of the SI module as well. I paramatized the S_RCV block as follows: 1.) EN_R is always ON. 2.) R is defaulted to the instance DB that was created with the function block's tag.  3.) LADDR  is set to "100" as that is the start address of my SI Module as defined in the device configuration. 4.) DB_NO is set to "2" as it is the number of the data block I created for storing the received data.  5.) DBB_NO is set to "0", which I understand to be the data blocks offset start point from where to start inputting the data. The rest of the NDR, ERROR, LEN, and STATUS outputs of the function block are also defaulted to the instance DB tags. I only want to see if I'm receiving the data from the barcode scanner into the datablock. I created an array of bytes and I also tried with characters  from 0 to 30 to store the data. As I mentioned, the problem comes when I'm trying to scan something, the RX LED on the SI module pulses, but when I monitor for any changes in the Function Block, as well as for any changes in the Datablock itself, nothing happens at all.  I don't know what If I'm missing something, this has been bugging me for some time now, I'm quite new to the whole programming scene, I would appreciate any help I could, get also I've attached the project file too. =)   Yumi_Panel.zap14
  10. FX3u4AD reload issue

    I have an FX3u16MR attached to two FX3u4AD units (right mounted).  I am running the first two channels of the eight in 12 bit mode, the next two channels in 16 bit mode, the next two channels in 12 bit mode again and the last two channels are idling.  All inputs are configured as 4-20mA.  Working with the first channel only for now, what I am finding is that I have to load the gains twice for them to take.  It points to a timing issue in the code that I am running in the plc.   It just seems to have started happening though.  Admittedly I am recoding so the ADC calibrates from a HMI rather than from a PC trigger which is what I had before.  But I have just paralleled up the M register that invokes it.  I am working through the code as I speak. If anyone has any idea's i would love to hear from you.  I know this bit of kit fairly well I am just missing something here and it is bugging me.  A problem shared and all that. Thanks in advance.  
  11. 505 workshop addressing

    Hi,  I'm attempting to convert some old Siemens workshop 505 code to control logix and i have basically no siemens experience at all and i'm confused as to how to tell what actual output card X1 or X2085 is referencing??   same with inputs.   
  12. ello.I am Melani. I working on to convert Siemes S5 code to Logix5000.Following is FB that need to convert.Segment 1Name :John0005 :C DB 2100006 :L FW 400007 :T DW 20008 :L DW 60009 :T DW 1000A M001 :L KB 0000B :O DW 1000C :T FW 0000D :L DW 1000E :L KB 2000F :+F0010 :T DW 10011 :L DW 80012 :<F0013 :JC =M0010014 :L DW 20015 :T FW 400016 :C DB 1500017 :L KB 00018 :T DW 10019 :T DW 2001A :T DW 3001B :***How to convert this code to Logix5000 either structure text or ladder logic?Thank you if anyone can help me to convert it.Thank you.Melani
  13. Weintek HMI and PLC Logo

    Hi dear friends, i'm working with a Siemens PLC LOGO 8 (OBA8) that connected to a Wientek HMI model MT7081IE via Network. and my Problem: i'm trying to get the PLC LOGO time for displaying and editing on the HMI panel, i know that the Time address in the plc logo8 is VM988 and VM989 and VM990 (Hour:Minute:Second) but in easy boilder when i selected an Numerical object there is only VD and VW variables available to select and there is not VM selection (Please see the attached picture). thats way i select VW pisition with the same position Number (for example VW988) for get the Hour value and it's displays a big binary number that contains Hour and minute value in binary, also i can find that witch characters are for hour value and witch one are for minutes value. Please help me that how can i separates the characters and dispalys them into another numerical objects? or another ways to get time values from the OBA8 and displaying on the HMI.   Thanks and Regards Saber
  14. Grupa ProfAs Sp. z o. o. jest firmą doradczą, świadczącą usługi w szeroko rozumianej dziedzinie Human Resources. Specjalizujemy się w rekrutacjach na stanowiska specjalistyczne, średniego i wyższego szczebla. Wierzymy, że nasz Zespół złożony z profesjonalistów jest w stanie zapewnić perspektywiczne spojrzenie i najwyższą jakość wykonywanych usług. Aktualnie dla naszego Klienta - firmy z branży automatyki przemysłowej - poszukujemy osoby na stanowisko: Programista sterowników PLC Kraków / Piła / Poznań ZAKRES OBOWIĄZKÓW: Programowanie sterowników PLC Siemens Wykonywanie aplikacji dla systemów SCADA i HMI Dobór konfiguracji sprzętowych PLC Testowanie i uruchamianie maszyn u Klientów końcowych (delegacje krajowe i zagraniczne) Wykonywanie programistycznych prac serwisowych u obecnych Klientów Sporządzanie instrukcji obsługi maszyn   WYMAGANIA: Bardzo dobra znajomość sterowników PLC Siemens Umiejętność parametryzacji serwonapędów, falowników, etc. Znajomość paneli HMI oraz systemów SCADA Znajomość sprzętowa oraz programowa komunikacyjnych sieci przemysłowych ProfiBus, Profinet, Ethernet, DeviceNet, Modbus, etc. Znajomość zagadnień i komponentów automatyki (przetwornice, serwonapędy, obwody bezpieczeństwa, aparatura modułowa, itp) Mile widziana znajomość programowania innych sterowników: Allen-Bradley, Omron Prawo jazdy kat. B Komunikatywna znajomość języka angielskiego lub niemieckiego OFERUJEMY: Współpracę w oparciu o umowę o pracę Udział w profesjonalnych szkoleniach Korzystne warunki wynagrodzenia Rozwój w firmie z doświadczeniem na rynku międzynarodowym nr w rejestrze 14990 Osoby zainteresowane prosimy o przesyłanie CV na adres lub kontakt telefoniczny pod nr tel. 881 700 778.
  15. Getting to memory.

    I know enough Ladder logic to get in trouble. Although, I do have a few PLCs controlling machines that I wired and programmed and they are running well (as long as I can remember what those buttons I added do.) I cannot figure out how to get memory into the PLC.  For example, I have a Counter where I have entered the following: CNT 0005 W1 ( I am driving it with a 1s clock and the reset is an external button.)) I then went to working memory and entered a number as position 1 (I entered 234) When I load the program and press the button to reset, CNT is starting at 0. When I move the W memory from PLC to PC there is 0 at that position. All of the boxes are checked when I compile/transfer. Is my CNT format correct? How does one get the memory to the PLC?    
  16. Hello, I need to make an ethernet communication Siemens S7-300 <> Omron G9SP. The HW of the Siemens that i us are CPU 315 2DP and CP 343-1 Lean. I did try to follow the Omron manuals Z922 and Z924, but faced with some problems. First of all in Z924 there is no complete HW configuration of Siemens (communication configuration is missing). Also, formats of messages differ in both manuals. Maybe there is an Simatic Step 7 project example, that i could open with Simatic Step 7 manager to do a deeper investigation, or maybe somebody has a lot more experience in this case? Thank you in advance.   WBR @rturas
  17. PLC flickering issue

    We r using Siemens PLC S7 400 in small power plant. Sometimes this PLC flickers and plant stops for milliseconds and regains its position. All Digital outputs turns off and then regains its original position. Can anybody have solution for this....???
  18. Hello, I want to connect the Siemens PLC S7-200 with MR J2S 350CP using Serial communication (RS232/422) so, is it possible or no , any one have an idea... Thank you in advance  
  19. Mitsubishi to Siemens Upgradation

    Hi Everyone I Have to replace Mitsubishi Plc with SIEMENS plc. I am new to Mitsubishi and worked before only on Siemens PLC. I have the uploaded code from Mitsubishi. I am facing problem in Analog Section about data values, Un/Gn, and Analog inputs and Analog Outputs..  Could anyone just Guide me about analog part.  I Upload the analog section below.   Thanks in Advance Analog.pdf
  20. Hello everyone, Is there any way to communicate with Mitsubishi Servo amplifier MR-J2S-350CP through RS232 ,I prefer to use 224XP because i already have it... thank you 
  21. Hello   i have a versamax icu200udr064 and i want to connect it with simatic basic panel ktp 1200 dp  both support modbus rut but the problem is that i cant find GE communication driver on the tia portal by whom i program the HMI.  One more thing is that i found a communication driver for modbus rtu but the tags addresses are in the standard form for modbus, so is there any solution for this?  thanks a lot .  
  22. Upload file using CF card

    Hello all I have a folding machine with Omron PLC and HMI NS5-SQ10B-ECV2, the problem is the hmi software disappeared and " No project data" appeared. I contacted the manufacturer and they sent me A single Ipp file. i am not really experienced in omron but i knew that i can upload the soft using CF card so, i used it and switch DIP6 , and the HMI recognized the CF card put it did't see any software. i tried to put the soft in folder with the same name but with no luck. I attached the file he sent me. 出口.IPP
  24. Good morning.  My name is Mariusz Suder. I'd like to present the new process simulator PSPLC. PSPLC this universal process simulator can be used for building various technological models. PSPLC - is designed to work with PLCSIM v 5.x the part of Step7 and TIA Portal the Siemens™ PLC programming environment. There are plenty of typical devices and parts of industrial installations to choose which can be easily put or laid on the screen by simply selecting or dragging them. (...) PSPLC is the reliable process simulator. Useful for testing the PLC programs while they are executed or for learning programming the PLC controllers. Due to the intuitive user interface building models is quick and setting the devices easy. Colourful graphics, animations and high quality simultaneous sound. Language versions: English, Polski, Deutsch, Русский. Two units systems to choose: Metric and British Imperial. OS: Win XP, WIN 7 For further information please visit my internet site: Download PSPLC   PSPLC can also be downloaded from: mrplc/download/siemens/demo