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Everything posted by IO_Rack

  1. Cant´t download program to NS8

    To program the NS8, you'll need to choose 'Transfer' in the 'PT' menu. Make sure to choose the proper Comms Method for the connection you are using. USB is probably the easiest. 
  2. Omron CP1L-EM Wonderware Intouch Driver?

    If you use a serial connection it will be Host Link. If you use an Ethernet connection it will be FINS.

    I don't use the backup utility often. Alternatively, you can backup all data in the CX Programmer project. 1) IO Table - "Transfer from the PLC". Also transfer any special units that may be attached. 2) Settings - "Transfer from PLC" 3) Memory - Double click each memory type you wish to save then "Transfer from PLC". Make sure to perform "File" > "Save in Project". You'll want to make sure you save D, E, H, IR, & DR memory. 
  4. File Copy for NX/NJ

    Nice! Thanks for the update! It's also nice you were able to post a picture!
  5. Perhaps the issue you're recalling was a licensing issue. I recently transferred Logix5 from an old laptop with a master disk license. I thought I would just download the latest version but the master disk would not activate it. I had to roll back some versions. Don't remember which. 
  6. File Copy for NX/NJ

    Since you mentioned Logix, I'll just add that Omron doesn't automatically convert anything. You must be mindful of your apples and oranges.  They do have a lot of conversion instructions.
  7. If the cost is the issue, have a look at the NX1P series. They are limited with the number of axis but it is an affordable option if you don't need many.
  8. Not able to Ping PLC

    The IP address should be shown incrementally on power up. Older versions of CX Programmer had some issues when downloading program and settings together. I haven't seen that in a long time but it's easy enough to check. From the project tree, select "IO Table and Unit Setup". Select "Built in EtherNet/IP Port for CJ2".  Here you can compare and/or transfer the EIP unit settings. As gtsupport mentioned, don't forget to cycle the power.
  9. asking for guidance

    As far as your memory requirements, you can change the PLC type of your original program and perform a compile. You can check the memory usage from the View menu. It's only a matter of usage, not performance. I'm not sure what level of safety you require but you should not be using safety sensors on standard PLC I/O.
  10. What brand is the HMI? Check with the manufacturer and make sure they support Host Link protocol. The should also have information on constructing a cable.
  11. CJ1M PLC not communicating with PC

    The Peripheral Port is Toolbus. The RS232C Port is Host Link (SYSMAC WAY). These are default settings. Both ports can be configured differently in software but with limitations. DIP Switch #5 (ON) will force the RS232C Port to be SYSMAC WAY, 9600, 7, E, 2. 
  12. CJ1M PLC not communicating with PC

    When using the 9 pin port, select SYSMAC WAY for Network Type. Settings must match. Default settings are 9600, 7, E, 2.
  13. Omron C200H CN225 Cable

    I do not. I cannot find it documented in any of the device manuals either.
  14. Comm1 orange LED steady and communication problems

    If you need to backup, restore or program the PLC, you can use the RS232C Port. You'll need a Host Link cable.
  15. Omron C200H CN225 Cable

      Fujitsu   IDC PNK/BLK 9 10 PNK/RED 1 9 YEL/BLK 10 8 YEL/RED 2 7 WHT/BLK 11 6 WHT/RED 3 5 GRY/BLK 12 4 GRY/RED 4 3 TAN/BLK 13 2 TAN/RED 5 1 Your safest bet would be to buy a cable. It looks like it's non-stock yet still available at some electronics suppliers.  
  16. Omron C200H CN225 Cable

    PNK/BLK 9 PNK/RED 1 YEL/BLK 10 YEL/RED 2 WHT/BLK 11 WHT/RED 3 GRY/BLK 12 GRY/RED 4 TAN/BLK 13 TAN/RED 5 The only nomenclature on the plug is "XS" and "J016A". I'll be honest, I checked the first 4 wires then assumed the rest.  
  17. Omron C200H CN225 Cable

    Assuming your cable is not completely destroyed, the order is the same on both ends. Main Color/Sqare Dot PNK/BLK PNK/RED YEL/BLK YEL/RED WHT/BLK WHT/RED GRY/BLK GRY/RED TAN/BLK TAN/RED
  18. Omron C200H CN225 Cable

    Interesting, Omron is usually really good about documenting their cables. My search didn't turn up anything. This one would be very difficult to make without the proper tools. I have one here on my desk. What do you need?
  19. Can a CJ2M communicate to a C200H??

    Nice. Having the C200HG should make it a lot easier. I'm pretty sure you can do it via ethernet if you have room for another module on the C200HG. Unfortunately, I've never done this. Thus my short answer. :) Let's hope that BobB or Michael Walsh will respond with some details. In the meantime have a look at the manuals for the Ethernet modules for each CPU. This will contain details on the communication protocols. Omron is very good with backward compatibility. I do have the equipment here in our shop to test but don't have the extra time right now.
  20. Can a CJ2M communicate to a C200H??

    I will give the short answer, yes. Although I don't believe it will be the protocol the current C200H are using.  What is the complete part number of your C200H? This makes a difference especially in hardware. The CPU01/CPU02 (pre-alpha series) will require an LK201 Host Link module. They come in CPU mount and rack mount style. You are probably already aware since you have some communicating with each other already. They are most likely communicating via PC Link since you say they are sharing LR registers. The CJ2M does not support PC Link that I'm aware, and it does not have LR registers. At minimum, they can communicate via Host Link protocol. You may have to write some ladder using TXD/RXD. There may be easier methods but first tell us the full part numbers on the CPU and serial port/modules.  
  21. Devicenet problems

    DeviceNet is indeed finicky. Along with the above advice, check that you have a strong 24VDC at your remote location. If your problem persists, you may want to use a dedicated power supply. Preferably at the remote location if you can manage it. 
  22. I think this would depend on the communications protocol used and will have to include all other connections. The Ethernet/IP Units Operation Manual W465 gives guidance for calculating the number of connections.
  23. Data Types for MAM instruction

    I understand the confusion here. This is not a conversion. The DINT to DINT here is the transport only via your DeviceNet. If you monitor them in the DINT state, they will actually appear to be gibberish as they are actually REAL. No bits were changed during the process you describe here.
  24. CJ1M con CJ1W-EIP21 a ControlLogix