Sergei Troizky

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About Sergei Troizky

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  • Birthday 01/07/61

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  • Gender Male
  • Location Montreal
  • Country Canada

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  1. RSlogix 500 logic

    In the 3rd rung of the shown Logix 500 fragment, replace the bottom branch with: XIC T123.EN AND XIO T123.DN
  2. REAL or DINT to ASCII

    How about FSTR instruction?
  3. Thank you for the reply. IIS is not enabled in the Windows features. The question remains open. I am running Windows10 Pro.  
  4. We are using FactoryTalk Studio ME and never installed FactoryTalk ViewPoint. Nevertheless, it suddenly appeared installed and certain IP addresses are now automatically redirected to .../ftvp/ViewPoint.aspx How to remove this association? I've uninstalled the FactoryTalk ViewPoint, but the redirection continues.
  5. Entering multiline string in FTView Studio

    It is not about how the text looks on the display. I need to insert the line terminator into the string tag, while entering text from the display. There is no Ctrl key on the PanelView Plus7 display keyboard.
  6. Is there a way to enter multiline string in "String Input Enable" object? The tag monitor in Logix Designer allows this by inserting $R$L, but how to do it from the PanelView display?
  7. I am using CompactLogix 5370 PLC (1769-L36ERM) and Studio5000 v30. The help file mentions function blocks, but there is nothing related in the software, only Add-On Instructions. AM I missing something?
  8. CompactLogix power supply distance

    This machine is now comissioned with no problems.
  9. CompactLogix power supply distance

    I would also assume so, to be on the safe side. But I've seen working equipment with 4 modules between the power supply and CPU. I need the same for my project this time, so looking for more definite answer. It's ridiculous that such a simple thing is not specified unambiguously in a technical manual.
  10. The 1769-SG001 manual says: "Check the specification table of each module for the power supply distance rating. This rating indicates how many slot  positions the module can be from the power supply." The CPU power supply distance rating is "4 modules". Does this mean 4 modules are allowed between the CPU and power supply? Or the CPU to be maximum the 4th slot from the power supply?
  11. Do it well from the start. It will go bad by itself.

  12. What is "Unwired terminal current capacity"?

    The I182E "NX-Series I/O" manual mentions "Unwired terminal current capacity" in the unit specs. What is the meaning of this parameter?  
  13. CJ - Adding several consecutive floating points

    In my opinion, 20 instructions do not worth organizing a loop, not to mention FB. Configure the output instructions to be shown horizontally, and 19-instruction rung will be of reasonable size. And each register value will be on the screen for immediate monitoring.
  14. I have a protected task in CJ2M, and have to download by tasks. However, some unprotected task selection boxes for transfer are greyed, and cannot be selected, while other unprotected tasks are selectable. What may be a reason of not allowing unprotected task transfer. All unprotected tasks were never protected. No UM protection.