
NS Recovery

42 posts in this topic

19 hours ago, IO_Rack said:

I'm confused as to the problem you are having now.

Are you able to format and install files to the card?

Or having the NS lockup issue when installing to the screen?

yes i am able to format the CF card and files copied in root directory of the Card.

but After inserting CF card screen Light get GREEN but NS screen not responding (Remain Black)   

Edited by S1090

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4 hours ago, S1090 said:

NO i had only 1 screen. 

By formatting the internal CF card you will have wiped the boot loader, and operating system. The internal CF card is internal for a reason. The recovery and update files that omron provide are read in to the system via external CF card. 

What is the capacity of the internal CF card you formatted? 


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On 12/13/2023 at 5:11 PM, chelton said:

By formatting the internal CF card you will have wiped the boot loader, and operating system. The internal CF card is internal for a reason. The recovery and update files that omron provide are read in to the system via external CF card. 

What is the capacity of the internal CF card you formatted? 


Internal CF card has 128 MB capacity.

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On 12/13/2023 at 11:57 PM, S1090 said:

NO i had only 1 screen. 

I might have a 12 buried somewhere, I'll check in the new year. If so I can clone the internal CF and send you the contents.

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7 hours ago, photovoltaic said:

I might have a 12 buried somewhere, I'll check in the new year. If so I can clone the internal CF and send you the contents.

I have an NS10 that i can create an image file. Assuming it would be the same OS as an NS12

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On 12/21/2023 at 2:33 AM, photovoltaic said:

I might have a 12 buried somewhere, I'll check in the new year. If so I can clone the internal CF and send you the contents.

Thanks in Advance , Please let me know when it it available.

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On 12/23/2023 at 2:59 PM, S1090 said:

Thanks in Advance , Please let me know when it it available.

Happy New Year... Waiting for your reply

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@S1090 I will be able to get NS10 image later this week. Please PM your email. The image will be a sector copy and as such file will end up file size of the CF card capacity (approx 128Mb). You will need to use linux to write back to CF card. I will send instructions. 

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For anyone following this thread. I was able to create a replacement internal CF card by creating a sector copy of the original. The original CF card is 128Mb partitioned into 2 x AIX partitions of 61.1Mb. After copying the file to a new CF card (32Gb) and starting the NS it must detect the system has changed, and require the recovery process. However it boots and runs fine. 

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On 1/3/2024 at 11:46 AM, chelton said:

@S1090 I will be able to get NS10 image later this week. Please PM your email. The image will be a sector copy and as such file will end up file size of the CF card capacity (approx 128Mb). You will need to use linux to write back to CF card. I will send instructions. 

please send mail on 

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File has been sent.


  1. Copy file to your linux machine
  2. Extract the file - tar -xzvf NS10.gz will create a file called NS10.img
  3. Install your CF card to write the image to
  4. sudo lsblk command will show your block devices. Maybe /dev/sdb 
  5. Write the image to the CF card - sudo dd if=./NS10.img of=/dev/sdb
  6. When you run lsblk /dev/sdb you should now have 2 x partitions. 
  7. Install the CF back into the NS and you should be able to recover the system.
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On 06/01/2024 at 3:49 AM, chelton said:

File has been sent.


  1. Copy file to your linux machine
  2. Extract the file - tar -xzvf NS10.gz will create a file called NS10.img
  3. Install your CF card to write the image to
  4. sudo lsblk command will show your block devices. Maybe /dev/sdb 
  5. Write the image to the CF card - sudo dd if=./NS10.img of=/dev/sdb
  6. When you run lsblk /dev/sdb you should now have 2 x partitions. 
  7. Install the CF back into the NS and you should be able to recover the system.

It works ...Got Success

i inserted this CF Card in Internal side and Upload Recovery file with another CF Card ... and its works ...Hurrey ... 

my NS 12 Screen is Back live and it proves that we had never ever format the Internal CF card.

thanks a lot Mr. Chelton for your great effort.

and all the guys who replied me.


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Thanks for following up.Glad you got it working again.

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On 12/23/2023 at 2:29 AM, S1090 said:

Thanks in Advance , Please let me know when it it available.

Do you still need the NS12 image for the internal CF card?

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On 3/7/2024 at 9:22 PM, photovoltaic said:

Do you still need the NS12 image for the internal CF card?

I m having the same problem with my ns8 screen, can you please send me the files so I can write them into my internal cf card. I have fat16 128 mb cf card I will transfer the files via virtual windows 98. Please see if you can send me the files. Email it 

thanks is advance 

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The image I have is for an NS12, I doubt it will work. I PM'd you a drive link for it - the software required is called HDD Raw Copy Tool. Let me know how it goes

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