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Hi, I'm using CQM1-AD042 analog input card with CQM1H-CPU61. Anybody has an idea what is the update time of the channel? i.e. how much time the plc & card takes before I can see the change in the input value. I'm trying to find the datasheet on but so far i couldn't. I'm trying to use an everaging function that can take various samples (about 5) from input on every scan. My scan cycle time is roughly 10 ms. Does anybody have a sample code for similar application?

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CQM1-AD042 What Omron's web site doesn't have, Mr PLC does!

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Ben, Specs for the module are in the Programmable Controller Catalog. The CQM1H specs are in three separate files. Below are the specs for the analog modules. Conversion time for the AD042 is 1.2 msec per point. I believe that the programming and setup of this module are the same as the AD041, only difference (besides speed) is that the AD042 has an internal power supply. You can find the information in the W238 manual. Both downloads are available from website. Hope this helps. gtsuport

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Looks like IO_Rack beat me to this one! Interesting though, that instruction sheet is not on the Omron website. You just have got to love Mr. Anthony!!! gtsuport

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Thanks IO_rack and Gtsuport for your inputs, I was reading through the Dedicated I/O unit Operation manual W238-E1-09. This is the latest on knowledge.omron website. Now this has everything about AD041 but none for AD042. Which again brings me to our own knowledge base at MrPLC! I'm using a range of 0-10V. For AD041 the binary conversion shown in manual is 48 to 4048 decimal. Howver, the instruction sheet of AD042 shows 0 to 4095 (FFF Hex). Is the instrunction sheet precise or I need to go searching for another manual? Sorry for the trouble folks but I'm using Omron and its website for the first time in my life!

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Ben, The AD042 has a range of 0(0h) - 4095(FFFh), the AD041 range is 48(030h) - 4048(FD0h). The instruction sheet is correct. I guess because "most" of the information on the AD041 is the same, the manual has not been updated to reflect the AD042. Hope this will help. Feel free to post any other questions, and will do our best to answer. gtsuport

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