
Ancient QuickPanel

5 posts in this topic

customer has an old (and I mean old) QuickPanel Jr QPJ-1D100L2P.. my oldest Procify is version 5.6 and appears only to support the QPJ-2xxxxx series. I tried to connect to the existing unit but I receive an error that the Uploader Failed To Start. Does anyone know which version of PME (if any) supports the QPJ-1xxxxxx? I only want to pull the existing program out if possible.

Any info appreciated. 

Thanks, Bob:doh:

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You're most likely going to need Quick Designer software. If Proficy 5.6 doesn't go back that far, I doubt any earlier versions will. I have a Quick Panel manual dated 1994 which I got when GE acquired the product line. It only lists QPJ-2xxxx model numbers. My corresponding Quick Designer manual is for version 3.4. I don't think I have Quick Designer installed on any of my functional computers any more, but I will check tomorrow to make sure, or try to install it on an XP virtual machine to see what models it supports.

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I have Quick Designer version 3.4 installed on an old Windows NT laptop. When starting a new project, it only lists "QPJ" and "QPK" for the Quick Panel Jr. series. For the larger units it will list QPI-2xxxxx and QPI-3xxxxx as options. 

So, not really an answer to your question, only reinforcement of my assessment that you'll need some version of Quick Designer.

Another thing, if the original programmer of the unit chose to not include the source files when he downloaded the project to the HMI, there is nothing available for you to upload. I don't what message Proficy shows when that is the case, but it is possible that's what you're faced with. Also, are you using the special download cable? The programming port on the Quick Panel is not RS232. The official download cable includes a voltage converter. Again, I'm not sure if the message you got from Proficy is related to cable incompatibility.

Are you sure the COM port number assigned to whatever PC port you're using matches the port number that Proficy is trying to use?  

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comm port and cable seem correct.. when I try to connect at 9600 I get a message that the baud is set properly and then receive the message that the uploader failed to start. If I set the comm's to 19200 I don't receive any messages and the program hangs.

Its not a big issue. I was originally told that the screen wasn't 'on'.. and I thought it might be the backlight.. figured I could pull the program and reload into something else. Turned out the screen did function and its not a big program.. I was able to log into the plc (AB SLC5/03) and basically watch which bits went on/off when I pressed buttons, and likewise I was able to figure out what all the numeric entries were tied too.  My guess is there is a failing component on the QuickPanel and if they leave it on it will heat up and start failing again. I have all the connections in any case. 

I was just making sure I wasn't missing something really stupid (not setting the Comm port # would fall into that category since I'm using a USB cable). Thanks for the quick reply. Bob

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On 2/22/2023 at 3:44 PM, rswolff said:

comm port and cable seem correct.. when I try to connect at 9600 I get a message that the baud is set properly and then receive the message that the uploader failed to start. If I set the comm's to 19200 I don't receive any messages and the program hangs.

Its not a big issue. I was originally told that the screen wasn't 'on'.. and I thought it might be the backlight.. figured I could pull the program and reload into something else. Turned out the screen did function and its not a big program.. I was able to log into the plc (AB SLC5/03) and basically watch which bits went on/off when I pressed buttons, and likewise I was able to figure out what all the numeric entries were tied too.  My guess is there is a failing component on the QuickPanel and if they leave it on it will heat up and start failing again. I have all the connections in any case. 

I was just making sure I wasn't missing something really stupid (not setting the Comm port # would fall into that category since I'm using a USB cable). Thanks for the quick reply. Bob

I can tell you about a year ago I dealt with the same issue on a QPJ similar to that. it appeared that it was dead but you could hear it change screens and work still.


The contrast was shot on it. someone somehow messed with the contrast. the best thing you can do is try to change it blind. I think pressing in the bottom corners of the screen at the same time will pop up the contrast adjustment, and you can pick a square at the bottom after that to change it. I probably have some pics here somewhere I can put up to give you an idea of what it looks like.

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