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Newbie - Applying a patch to a programme CJ1M-CPU13

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Not too sure if the title reflects what I'm hoping to have answered, but here goes.  If not then no issues


We use the Omron CJ1M - CPU13 to control our equipment.  On older versions of the programme file there is a trigger from a power supply that when it's seen the system shuts down where as on the new version it ignores this trigger and keeps running.

We can apply a "patch" to the old programme with a CF card to update it to the current version, however the details of this are unknown (by me) and our software manager is off ill for a while.

Is there a standard thing to do to create the necessary update, if that makes sense? 

The original programme has the .BAK / .OPT / cx programmer files / IO tables etc (no doubt many others)  however on a previous CF card that was prepared to do tis update there are only a few different files

comments - cmt file / programmes - IDX file / replace.obj - OBJ file / symbols.sym / SYM file


I have been asked to (if possible) determine the process as to get to the CF card update files. 


Is this something that is done from the original programme file or  is this a completely new programme file? 





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There's no 'patch' applied form the CF card.  You are overwriting the entire program.

I'd be careful just applying the program from another machine, as there may be other differences.  Better to look at the code in both and find differences.  Then perform an online edit to change the code live.

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You need additional tools to examine the programme.  Find the computer that has CX Programmer installed and we will try to help you use this to compare the original program to the one in the current CPU.

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