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  1. Let me start off by saying that I have 36 plus year of experience with Industrial Automation and Robotics and take great exception to the sensationalism expressed in these headlines.  Please allow me to rant and hopefully save another young engineer from a similiar mishap. Websters tells us that an attack is "a belligerent or antagonistic action".  Such action is by definition not possible by a non-sentient piece of automation equipment. The American Industry Standard for Robotics has been ANSI-RIA 15.06 and it clearly states that anyone entering the working envelope of a robot must posess the Teach Pendant or Alternate Disconnect Means at all times.   Now reading the articles it appears that this was a multi-robot cell as the "engineer was programming two other robots in the cell."  Thus if his work did not involve the Third Robot it should have been under Lockout-Tagout_Try per OSHA 1910.147.  Had that been the case this catastrophe would not ahve occurrred.   If the Third Robot needed to be under power then it's pendant or disconnect should have been in the control of the Enginner and the 3rd robot limited to slow speed allowing for stopping when the errant action occurred. There is another possibility I would mention, something malfunctioned in the controls design and the safeties the Engineer thought he had, did not operate as intended.  The designer in this case will need to explain what happened. In closing , let me point out this incident occurred in 2021 and this is 2023 almost 2024 and we're just hearing about it.  If the Industry really wants to get better we'll "Fail Forward" and teach other robot users what actually went wrong here and make sure others don't have the same mishap.  That Mr. Musk would be a world class response. 
  2. Hello, I was wondering if it would be possible to get a click PLC to communicate with a Fanuc robot over ethernet/IP when the robot has the ethernet/IP adapter package.  I am a little new to this, but I am worried that I might have to have a scanner / master in order to be able to communicate over ethernet/IP.  Thanks in advance for the assistance. 

    Hello all, is any one aware of any good free training, guides, etc, I am using the RT Visual Box and I like it a lot, but need a bit more in depth info and manual is ok, but it does not explain things in great details more like a general view.   Many thanks.
  4. Hello, everyone! I am following this YouTube tutorial where it teaches you how to add a block of Modbus server within Studio 5000 for communication with plc ControlLogix. The video: However, according to a comment from the author of the video himself in my comment I can make such a connection through a Modbus device. How do I do this within ur5 and how can i access UR5 inside Studio 5000?
  5. We have a very old Adept robot system that has been running for 20 years and with minimal issues, so I am very out of practice working with it. The setup is an Adept Cobra 800, MV Compact Controller with the amps, AWC board, and VJI board. This week the PC could not communicate with the controller, and the network connection to the AWC board kept saying connected, then not connected alternating every few seconds. We figured there was a malfunction with the ethernet/network functionality on the AWC board. We installed a new AWC board, and swapped the memory card from the old board to the new board. I was able to connect to the controller via the PC. However if we try to enable power and calibrate the robot, it says "no robot connected to system". When V+ loads in the Adept Windows terminal, it does not show any robot ID or serial number. Also am getting a message at the top which I don't remember if was tehre before or not that says "protection error". Any ideas on why the robot is not detected, or if what I did wasn't correct?

    FANUC ROBOT R2000iA/210F CONTROLLER R-J3IB Has option of ethernet TCIP MODUS COMUNICATION to connect PLC
  7. robot omron i4l ePLC

    Hello everyone I want to program omron's i4l robot that connects to PLC via ePLC, is it possible? If there is any document or sample program please let me know. thanks
  8. Hello, I am a beginner in PLC world trying to find my way through LADDER programming, ST, protocols etc etc and I am slowly getting the hang on it but now I have come accross a troublesome implementation. We have 3 Robotic Cells in my plant each of them consisting of a Fanuc robot communicating via Ethernet IP protocol to NX1P2 PLC controller. The setup of communications is implemented and working as intended but I want to use explicit messaging to manipulate certain Robot Position Registers, Registers and string Registers. I have the needed Fanuc documentation and Omron documentation but I am a little lost. Are there any guidelines I could use to start ?
  9. Hi, I am new to this forum and pretty new to programming fanuc robots. I do have one program that is working in production under my belt. The company I work for recently bought a used M-20iA with a R-30iB controller. The robot was tested and worked before it was shipped to our facility. However, not upon start up the robot faults out and gives the error messages:    SPOT-474  NM&OUT24v shorted after MCC SPOT-476  Fix Pwr short & then cycle    I am wondering if a wire was vibrated loose during the shipment, however I have not been able to find anything in the cabinet. It looks like all of the boards are lighting up and working fine. I have been unable to find any documentation on these particular SPOT errors.    Has anyone experience this error and knows how to fix it? Or does anyone have resources that may shed light on the situation? Thanks!

    Hi All,  I need help regarding my robot arm giving this amplifier error for all axis. Any one can share with me their BACKUP PARAMETER FILE for this arm robot model RV-2AJ. This robot is using controller CR-571.  thank you!!
  11. Hello everyone,   I need to communicate a CompactLogix to a Kuka KRC 4 by Ethernet/IP but I do not know to generate the EDS file..... any clue please ?
  12. KR175 SPOT Manual

    Version 1.0.0


    Manual for KR175 Spot
  13. KR175 SPOT Manual View File Manual for KR175 Spot Submitter panic mode Submitted 06/07/18 Category Robots and Servos
  14. Hello to all, I am new here, and I have a project with FX3U plc and CR 2DA 700 robot controller. Does anyone have some experience in establishing communication over FX 3U enet module and robot controller, I need to send and receive 5- 10 M registers and D integers. Thanks
  15. Version BA LBR iiwa V5


    KUKA: IIWA is a collaborative robot with 7 axis, built in force sensors on all axes, built in mastering tool etc.
  16. View File KUKA: IIWA (collaborative robot, 7 axis) KUKA: IIWA is a collaborative robot with 7 axis, built in force sensors on all axes, built in mastering tool etc. Submitter panic mode Submitted 02/16/17 Category Robots and Servos
  17. Version BA KUKA Sunrise Cabinet V3


    KUKA: Sunrise controller It is very similar to KRC4 compact but for collaborative robot (IIWA)
  18. View File KUKA: Sunrise Controller (Collaborative) KUKA: Sunrise controller It is very similar to KRC4 compact but for collaborative robot (IIWA) Submitter panic mode Submitted 02/16/17 Category Robots and Servos
  19. Version BA KR QUANTEC PA V6


    KUKA: Quantec palletizer
  20. KUKA: Palletizer (including Arctic) View File KUKA: Quantec palletizer Submitter panic mode Submitted 02/16/17 Category Robots and Servos
  21. KUKA: Quantec

    Version BA KR QUANTEC extra HA V5


    KUKA: Quantec
  22. KUKA: Quantec View File KUKA: Quantec Submitter panic mode Submitted 02/16/17 Category Robots and Servos
  23. KUKA: Agilus

    Version BA KR AGILUS sixx V10


    KUKA: Agilus six axis
  24. KUKA: Agilus View File KUKA: Agilus six axis Submitter panic mode Submitted 02/16/17 Category Robots and Servos
  25. Version BA KR C4 NA UL V2


    KUKA: KRC4 NA UL Operating Instructions