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Posts posted by JYG

  1. What I do is adding a button "Enable" and "Disable" beside the RecipeViewer in a dialog box.
    You can select the recipe in the RecipeViewer and push the button "Enable" to confirm the selection.
    Your "Enable" button must have a event calling subroutine like this :

    Sub EventEnable
    	RecipeEnabled = True
    	WriteRecipeToController(RecipeViewerSelector.SelectedTemplate, RecipeViewerSelector.SelectedRecipe)
    End Sub
    Sub EventDisable
    	RecipeEnabled = False
    End Sub


  2. Read section  "9-8 Error- and Warning-related Objects" of  "1S-series with Built-in EtherCAT Communications User’s Manual (I586)".

    Register 4000.81  Error Full Code  Gives the error number of an error or warning which occurs in the Servo Drive.

    Register 4000.82  Error Code  Gives the code of the latest existing error or warning which exists in the Servo Drive.

  3. Quote

    The EtherNet/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP port can obtain the clock information from the SNTP server (see note 1) at a particular time or when a designated bit turns ON and then refresh the internal clock information of the CPU Unit to which it is mounted (referred to as the local CPU Unit).

    The most simple method is to use the Automatic Clock Adjustment Function on each ETN21 card.

    You can broadcast using FINS command GET CLOCK or SET CLOCK (Check FINS Command Reference Manual).

  4. You can look at Omron Instructions manual or on line help under SktUDPCreate() function for a complete example on the server side and client side.

    You must choose to use UDP or TCP for your application.

    Usually the PLC is the server and wait request from client but you can also choose to send data to client as soon new data is available. Your decision.

    If you have specific questions I will answer you.