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Posts posted by WLCHIN

  1. Hi Yair, Few month ago, i using NTST 4.6 to upload program to NT30, after upload i found that some part is missing, nomather how i upload, still short something, nochoice i using NTWIN ver 1.0 to upload, it is succes. So may be u can try using this very old version software, but u have to prepare this software only allow Com 1 & Com 2, unless u modify this software to Com3 & Com4 or Com 5 & Com 6.

  2. Just imigine, if u are the software developer and somebody using your software without paying u, what do u thing, u already put in so many effort to deverlop a software and get nothing unless u develop it just for fun.

  3. I don't thing so because i buy the usb cable from normal computer shop, and the configuration same as Blast, it work find for the both syswin and cx, is that posible u didn't install the driver or some configuration u didn't fine tuning? :-p

  4. Before i post the first message, i already download and try, the url link you give is only for upgrade version, that means i should have ver 3.5 or 3.6 first, now the problem is where to download this 2 version. (Without this 2 version, whatever u download from the url you given and install it, the program always search for previous version) Any how, thank u for your reply. I hope somebody can point me to the correct url to download it.