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Micrologix1200 and PanelView Micro

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I am using a Micrologix 1200 controller and PanelView 300 Micro interface. I have several configuration screens defined, and I need to password protect them. However, I also need to select the screen using the controller and a control tag that I have defined. The "Secured" option in Panelbuilder 32 only works if I disable the control tag and define a "go to screen" button. Is there a way to password protect certain screens while still being able to control the screen selection via the PLC? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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You should be able to goto Application Settings, Security. Security Mode - Screen Goto the Operators Tab and assign passwords Goto the Secured Screens Info tab and select which user can access which screens. You should be able to do this and still have the Micrologix change screens. If the operator will be able to switch back from the secured screen make sure you set the commanded screen number back to zero after you screen switches to your secured screen. This give screen control back to the operator

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Is there a way to password protect certain screens while still being able to control the screen selection via the PLC? Consider This scenario. All screen switches are made by the PLC writing into the command screen register. Screens 1 thru 9 are your "unsecure" screens and you move from screen to screen by using the function buttons which increment or decrement the command screen register. Screens 11 thru 19 are the "secure" screens. To access the "secure" screens press the password button which loads a 10 into the screen command and displays screen 30. On screen 30 is a password entry number entry display whcih allows you to enter a 4 digit password. IF the PLC validates the Password it takes you to screen 11 if not it takes you to screen 1. If you decrement to screen 10 you are jumped to screen 1 and must re-enter the password. Hope I made this clear enough. Others may build on it.

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I see what you are saying Bob. I have done this with a Panelview 600 but never thought of the problems of not being able to "select" a screen and having to increment and decrement through screens. Good point

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This is just fresh in my mind because I had a system increment into no mans land and there was no trap for high end value or low end values. THe PLC was asking for screen 31 and the PV had no such screen. The operator and electrician both thought the PV died. When I went to pull program via PCMCIA card from the PV before the electrician changed it out. All worked so I looked into the code and found the issue.

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Yes I did something similar once. I had a blank screen I was going to use a little later and had assigned a screen selector for it. I forgot to remove it before installing it. It took them 3 months to find it. They said the same thing, the Panelview died. Felt really stupid going in there explaining that I had to switch the screen back to one that had something on it and delete that screen to get it going

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Does this mean that I have to use an operator tag and also restrict screen access via the PLC? I changed the security settings under the Panelbuilder 32 application settings as you suggested, but I can still go to the "secured" screens while logged in as an operator for whom I haven't given access. The settings do not appear to apply when using a screen tag and selecting the screens via the PLC.

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How about this since the PLC must control the screen selected. Create your own logon screen and use the PLC to determine if the operator can goto a particular screen or not

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I can do this, but I was hoping that the panelview could restrict access depending on the operator while still using the PLC to control the screens.

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