Saxony Thermal

Variable device access in gxworks 3

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After a lot of reading I was concluding I would have to do structured text. But then learning structured text I don't see how it solves my issue too. So I am lost:

I have incoming messages of variable length. I know what the lengths are because there is a receive counter called SM8561 for the FX5CU CPU over its built-in RS485 port. I have to do a CRC check on it and then interpret the message afterwards to do things. For my CRC, I Omit the ending DLE-ETX. But the device location of DLE-ETX changes with message length. So I can't just say, (the below is not valid syntax, just an expression of what I want to do)

  • if D4500 is start of message
  • and the end of message is always DLE-ETX-CRC-CRC, where the last CRC byte is always device location D(4500+SM8561) //SM8561 is message length
  • [MOV D(4500+ SM8561 - 0) D5000] and [MOV D(4500+ SM8561 - 1) D5000] to move the CRC bytes to another location like D5000 for me to process.

I also have to move select bytes from my message to another location and in a continuous run of devices to help with CRC check. These device locations change with message length.

I was looking at structured text but its the same issue, I can't assign a variable device number. So how do I process dynamic message lengths? This would be a cake-walk in C, I am just unfamiliar with PLC syntax to do this whether by iteration or logic array.

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You can access the elements of an array indirectly by using a device or label in the element number.  This can be done the same way in FBD and ST.


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Posted (edited)

Hello, I appreciate your reply but I do not see how that relates to my challenge. I know I can make arrays and index them to do calculations, but I cant put that into MOV function for a device location for example. Where I need to move a device location that changes with time to a constant device location or a moving one.

Like MOV D#a D#b, where MOV will put D#a into D#b where D#a is defined outside of the MOV function and can change, same with D#b.

Like a download command message can have varying message length like D#a = D4500 to D#b = D4516, or a longer one like D#a = D4500 to D#b = D4586. Between the two cases, the device location that is holding my CRC bytes is always at the end of the message which are different per message length and I can't have a MOV command to access them for every possibility.

I want to make an iterating search function that scans the message device by device, but there does not seem to be a way to process an iteration or loop that changes Device.


Does that make sense?

Edited by Saxony Thermal

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Change MyArray to be (0..499) and Assign it to D4500.

Then your subscripts into MyArray can programmatically access any word from D4500 to D4999.

Adjust to suit your needs.

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Hm, I still dont see how that can get into my ladder logic controls to increment my way through a range of devices.

But I found the solution. The Z device.

The below is working syntax for GXworks3:
MOV D4500Z0 D5000Z0

Where, Z is an index register and with the syntax above, it means D(4500 + Z0), and Z0 can be a number you modify with timer loops like ADD K1 Z0.


Here is where I found it. Read just the second reply from JRoss. Quote: " Pick a head address, say D100, and modify it with an index register, say Z0. Then you can call the indexed register like this: D100Z0. The index register acts as an offset, so if Z0 = 3, then you are actually pointing to D[100 + 3] or D103. "




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The constant used in the example can also be an variable.

Check the example of @pturmel  ...... MyArray[Index] 

This doesnt have to be structued text it can be used in all editors



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This D5000Z0 style indexing syntax has worked great but now I have another hurdle:
If I wanted to index bit by bit, that syntax does not work anymore. For example I want to do the following:

D5000Z0.Z1 (invalid syntax)


D5000.Z1 (invalid syntax)

Notice the ( . ) which syntactically accesses that bit of the 16 bits. Below is all we can do:

D5000.0 (valid syntax)

Where .0 is the zeroth bit which can be .1 or other to index the specific bit of interest. But I can't put Z0 there for variable bit by bit access.

I need this so I can increment my way up devices as well as each of the 16 bits of the device in a loop.


Is there an appropriate syntax to do this? I also find it difficult to find where mitsubishi discusses this gxworks 3 specific syntax. I found it for ST but that doesnt help me in ladder specific syntax...

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Posted (edited)

I guess I can do this but it's not as explicit as I would like and I think causes me to loop more scan cycles? I will implement this and see.

Take D5000.0 as a relay. Then bit shift (SFTL). With each shift the D5000.0 is checked for 1 or 0. In PLC's the bitshift doesn't flow into the neighboring device (unfortunately I would like that to happen for technical reasons, if someone knows how to do that...) so after 8 bit shifts then the device is unchanged and each bit was checked. Then increment to the next device D5000Z0 where we add 1 to Z0 to summon D5001 = D5000Z0. If I wish to inspect 256 devices in a row, then I have to setup device swapings with indexed device numbers like SWAP D5000Z0 D5000Z1 or something logical I have to figure out right now in order to feed all those bytes down to D5000.0 for bit by bit inspection of a 256 device string.

I do know that BSFR bit shifts and replaces the vacancy with zeros instead of lopping the byte back around. That is nice. But I don't know how to just push it into the neighboring device.


Edited by Saxony Thermal

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Posted (edited)

the solution is to use the bit proicessing instructions  Like TEST - BSET etc

Edited by Gambit

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I like those functions. I will give those a whirl and let you know how it goes. Thanks!

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Those functions worked nicely by the way, thank you!

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