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I have a new customer running a Machine with 7 TSX Micro(s) and 6 magelin HMI(s) mostly over rs485.. Customer called with a down line they had a PLC failure and could not get the 485 network back up. i assisted them in troubleshooting and found some issues. We resolved this issue and was able to get most of the line powered , communicating again however they had no setpoints(fun fun). Along the way one of the Sections of this line (PLC 2-Modbus(1,2) and the 2 Hmi's connected to TER,AUX port began giving them issues. Issues are when both units are connetd 1 will Show ! on all the screens assigned to tags while the other will not. once you unplug 1 the other unit will operates as intended. Flip the units and the same thing. I have changed the PLC, Changed the HMI for each section and still have the same results. Note all PLC's are not new but do operate the code "seemingly" correctly.

Any help is appreciated.

PLC TSX Micro 37

Magelis advanced xbtgt4330


Also looking for vijeo designer 4.6 or 5.0 as these projects were created in 4.6 and there is no direct convert to 6.x

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Sounds like a ground loop / isolation failure.

(I have no experience with either those PLCs nor those HMIs, but that is where I would look.  With a scope, if necessary.)

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interesting. I did not even think of that.. Thanks Bud.

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This is not usual to have some many plcs, particulary small ones likes TSX37 and hmis connected together in Modbus.

Are you sure by the way that it's Modbus and not Unitelway wich is the Telemecanique protocol usually used to connect Schneider Hmi to plc ?

Anyway, Modbus or Unitelway it sound like "wires troubles". You have to check all the cables and connections first. Then you must verify that there's no conflict of adresses in the hmis and plcs. Some views of the configurations could be usefull to go further.

You said you have changed an hmi but how, as it seems you don't have the version needed to open old projects ?


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yes Unitel01 Network

Build is as follows

7 sections of a machine

Section 1 and 4 have tsx premium

all other sections are TSX Micro


they have a print out where the following is identified and i was able to open the offline settings on the hmi's to verify the config of the PLC"s on the Network

plc 1 (1,1)

plc 2(1,2)

plc 3 (1,3)

plc 4 (1,10)

plc 5 (1,11)

plc 6 (1,12)

plc 7 (AB micrologix )

plc 8(ab compact logix)

all PLC's have pcmcia to talk plc to plc

plc 1 has a tsx p9y100  profibus master card in slot 6 talking out to other I/O bricks and blocks

all magelis HMI'S are connected to an AUX or TER and Aux port depending on QTY. Where they have a multi cable running to terminal blocks

All PLC Programs and Identical wording and by sections they sit on their respective words and interact with each other




When connecting any Magelis HMI to the Aux or TER port the HMI will Consume (2) addresses from the starting point you configure in the HMI application. Using the Device Configuration settings the user is obliged to setup the base address [server] and no. consecutive addresses.



Yes so the HMI project the customer has are not the original, but from another machine similiar build , vintage, and manufacturer.


limited to number of images i can upload. each PLC  is setup like below on ch0 and ch 1 is the

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