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cx-supervisor InputPoint failed to get updated (it is blocked) !

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1) Basic information On a dedicated Win XP SP2 machine I use: - two (2) SCADA applications (both CX-Supervisor v1.32(4) - both app. use the same I/O/Memmory points (same name and I/O area) - both app. are set to use "internal optimization for input and output points" and "optimum packet size" (see menu Project/Runtime Setting/Advanced) - both use the same PLC (CJ1M-CPU11 ETN), driver Ethernet(FINS/TCP) - CX-Server v2.4 - 1GB RAM, enough disk storrage(>200GB), enough CPU Speed (Intel core2duo 2GHz) 2) What I did - I developed a SCADA app. to monitor some process. - Then I created another (second) app. and copied all points from the first one into it, and created different monitoring pages and database connections. - Both run on the same PC side by side 3) Error / my problem - One (maybe more) input point (I use 5s interval) stopped getting updated from PLC. PLC memory was updating OK (there is some clock data so I see a change every minute), also program in PLC is working fine. - In CX-S I used "Point Maintenance" to see the values in this input point - values didnt change at all for several hours. - In CX-S I used "PLC Maintenance" to view PLC comm status and Enabled Points. All points are Enabled. I disabled problematic/blocked point and then enabled it again. The point started communicated right away! - CX-S didnt report any comm.error or other events! - It took about 14 days from startup for this problem to occure. Anyone with similar experiance? Any sollution / suggestion? If this is SCADA problem this could be serious issue! Best Regards, Gregor Edited by pro17

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I had that problem also, when the point is not updated. but, altough i set up point correctly, it didn't appear in PLC maintenance dialogue. so I concluded that the point is lost somewhere in compiling process... the same thing was happening with alarms, the point is updated but alarm is not notified. this happend to me on the several projects, earlier more often but with 1.32 and 1.33 versions just once. I solved it by renaming that points in developer, alarm also, compile project again, and there it is, point is shown in PLC maintenance dialogue, updating. it never broke down again. wanted to report that as bug but was forgetting allways. in this case maybe update cx-server and cx-supervisor (to 1.33 (1)). I cannot tell if there is some implications for using two same SCADAs, but maybe try to rename the PLC in one project - it is one click job since it updates all points to the new plc name immediately. also, why making two projects on the same machine? merge it into one.

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Hi tashinz! Thank's for your info. 1) I do have different names of PLC (I thought about this). Point was allways shown in "Point Maintanance", so no problem there. When I disabled and enabled point again in "PLC Maintanence" point started to get updated. It works for 24 hours now. I deliberately didn't compile again or rerun this app. to see if/when this will happen. I suspect cx-server as midleware to be responsible for communication control - will upgrade cx-server. 2) Imagine having one machine / process, and SCADA app. distributed to 3 computers. On 1. computer (ie. machine control) an operator (basic user) is only using an app. to monitor machine data and to do parametrization. On 2. computer (ie. information control) an advanced operator (informatic) is using similar (same) data to get and set machine informational data (MES). On 3. computer (ie. floor plant control) a superuser is using both app. and can do feauters of both app. on the same machine. Of course one can combine both app. but maintanence is more dificult then. Or (this is my way), I developed one app. some time ago (several years) and used clasic techniques for creating it (pure SCADA), then I developed similar app with advanced techniques in SCADA (database connections, web pages in SCADA, JavaScript and VBScript files, ActiveX controls - Winsock). Now I use both at the same time just to be able to compare and provide diferent experience to the users and 100% data reliabillity (which is obviously not achieved with this error). Looking for new suggestions. Best Regards

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I had similar problems of points not updating after a very long time. After upgrading CX-Server from 3.0 to these problems were resolved. Bertie

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