Sleepy Wombat

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Posts posted by Sleepy Wombat

  1. Iv'e run CAD through virtual box just fine thanks bobbbbbyyy. Also devolped Citect Version 5 application as well in virtual box ;) and run AB software for VB. The USB thing with virtual box... I have found that I need to let the host computer recognise the USB device fully. (this goes with memory sticks as well.) then on the vbox go to the USB interface - right click and activate the USB device. For RS232 comms on the virtual box i use the Omron CIF31 (USB to RS232 convertor) (even with AB PLC's) works super well. Only had problems when i have not given time to the host system to recognise the device first. BTW bobb next time i install siemens (uuugghhhh) it will be on virtual box.

  2. Could the CY (carry flag) be used in this case ? Havn;t tried it. then no need for comparison, hopefully go back to zero and CY flag turned on to INC next word.

  3. Sry, didn;t know you were using a CQM1H, as pfort suggest you will need to in this case use BCD math ie numbers with #. and as pfort suggests a single word BCD can only go to #9999 therefore for a double word length use the ADDL function.

  4. pfort is right ;) I will assume a CJ/CP1L/CS series and in this case use a differentiated version of the instruction ie @++L D0000 every time you want to count Then do a simple >=L compare to set a bit and reset the counter if you want to ie @MOV &0 D0000 @MOV &0 D0001

  5. I may as well contribute... PLC Law 8.2 [8.3] 2014 EDITION - You can run virtual machines and install different Manufactures Programming software on each, that way all the little children can play together. PLC Law 0.1 [0.1] 2014 EDITION - I AM THE LAW PLC Law 0.2 [6.2] 2014 EDITION - Back up, Back up, Back UP, BACK UP not only your PLC programs but your PC. I cannot emphasize this enough

  6. I couldn;t get past .... Dan Murphys is a liquor chain outlet store here in Oz (or as we refer to such stores "bottle O" as in " I am going to the boddle O to pick up a case (or slab) of beer".. yes drop the formal t and substitue with a d) sorry I digress...mmm beer.... Thanks for the link BTW.

  7. What is the highest RPM you want to measure ? You could measure the time between pulses and correlate that to an RPM with some simple math.. you can work that out as I don;t believe in spoon feeding. This method has speed limitations due to response times PLC scan etc. And another way to increse the accuracy is to have more sensing points... ie more then 1 pulse per revolution.. Why do you think that incremental encoders have higher resolutions ?... in your case if you had four teeth then this would be a minimum of 15 RPM...