Sleepy Wombat

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About Sleepy Wombat

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    Dazed and Confused
  • Birthday July 23

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  • Gender Male
  • Location Sydney, NSW
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  1. Flashing buttons in safety program

    map the safety to standard IO, use a 1sec pulse. If one does not exist, then create a 1 sec pls your self. 0.5s on 0.5s off.
  2. 1794-AENT Setup Issue

    Bob for the time it saves, its worth it for even setting up 1 AB system  plus can be used on other EthIP devices as well from diff manufactures.
  3. GuardLogix CIP Safety and SEW Drives

    As an update, the GSV/SSV instruction implementation has not solved the issue as yet, looks like pointing to the SEW drive CIP safety setup but need to do more tests to confirm.
  4. 1794-AENT Setup Issue

    I know this is a late response to this topic, but could you not have used the IPExplorer tool from TWControls to set the IP easily. Thats my alternative every time with EIP addr setting.
  5. Project consists of a GuardLogix 1756l82ES 5800 with additional EN2TR card, Stratix 5400 16 Port Sw a couple of other ethernet switches, 2 small 1743AENT points, 2 Panel View screens and 100 x SEW Movi-C drives with CIP Safety options on EIP. Drives configured without safety, can all get online relatively quickly, however when enabling the CIP safety drives and configuring the GL PLC Drive params to now be Safety IO, when enabling on the network, can take for ages for the drives to get on and register correctly on the Network. As an example for around 30 drives with CIP enabled on the drives and Configured in the PLC, it can take at least 10min to get the drives on the network again on power up or isolation.  Drives ate setup thru Parametrization CIP. If I monitor the drive from the SEW Movisuite software you can monitor the connection of the PROCESS IO and also the CIPSAFETY connections, You can see it attempt to connect, then drop off. In other cases the CIP Safety could connect but the PROCESS fails, then the CIP will also fail. This try and try again can last for minutes.  Once it is connected all good , but boot up time is absolute crap to say the least. I am basically looking for insight into what to look for to help speed up the connections of the drives onto the PLC/Safety network. Cheers
  6. Thanks.. the manual was a bit misleading.. so I thank you for following up. Cheers
  7. There is a screen saver function for the Panel view 5310. It utilises a AB logo splash. I would like a custom image to be the splash for the screen saver. The literature seems to suggest you can display a path to the screen saver image. This returns a blank text when i used on the screen. I did load an image into the project, however can find no way to point the screen saver to the image. Has any one else tried this/had any success with it. Very frustrating. Any help appreciated
  8. i am using cp1e omron plc and cx one programmer. i use to do work online simulator with out connection to plc. but yesterday onward i can't do work online simulator. if i open work online simulator it provide a message like " FAILED TO DOWNLOAD SYMBOLS TO THE SPECIFIED AREA." what that means can anyone help me.

  9. Hi Mr Wombat (or may I call you Sleepy?),

    I'm new here and yesterday I left a post "What do I need to get started?", asking what minimum software and cable(s) I would need to talk to a CPM1A that's on eBay (in OZ) at the moment.  All I want to do is be able to talk to this device and tinker and teach myself a bit more about PLC programming.  So far I've had no replies.  Have I said the wrong thing somehow?

    Thanks & regards,


  10. About Power Cables :

    Yes What does it have to do with PLC's... BTW they are called "chokes". It is a ferrite coil around the cable to inhibit noise on the cables to maintain signal integrity  
  11. Wireless Power Transfer

    Hi all, I am doing a project with a car on a rail (inclinator lift) with wireless comms between the car and the control panel for selecting the various stopping stations ie level 1 thru level 4. All good so far with the system... it works. The car has a battery for the wireless system power. however, i am looking at options of charging the battery when it reaches say station 1. The product that interests me is from wieldmuller - however they are really dragging the chain in releasing the product... I have contacted another company, power by proxi, and again they seem to drag the chain in getting back... Has any one done something similar or know of an available product out there... Really only try to charge a damm battery, surely there must be other product out there... any response would be appreciated.. cheers Sleepy..
  12. need help with SCADA database. moving 50k points

    Is my math wrong, or did I miss something... You have 50 diff moulds. You have 100 diff cycle pattern for each moulds/colour combos. so that would mean 5k of data.. but if you mean that you had 100 CP per mould per colour then that is 50k. Then why would you x by 26 machines when it is a look up for a mould/colour combo.? woulndt the 50k suffice ? For comms to a machine A colour mould recipee will only consist of 100 data tags each time. (or a single array of 100 items). Once a mould recipee selected then simply transfer the 100 tags once only into the PLC. The PLC should run happily with set parameter until the recippe/mould is changed... CXSup can access database files, so might want to look at that. At the machine do they dial up the mould/colour id, or is it all set by the cx supervisor ? You can always test on a small scale first to test the water so to speak and check your code.
  13. There has been some great discussion regards NPN and PNP, sinking sourcing etc.... With Omron input cards they are bipolar.... so you choose the input type by what you wire to the common of the input card.. I always think of it simply in that if I have 24vdc coming in from the sensor for the input then the COM must be a 0VDC. Visa Versa... if 0VDC is coming in as the input then the COM must be 24VDC.... A PNP sensor switches the positive.. hint "P" A NPN sensor switches the negative... hint "N" If in doubt check the wiring diagram for the card to make sure you understand regardless of the IO card manufacture. However I have a bigger concern which was stated in the original post... Are you kidding me..... I hope that company has all the Public Liability and Professional Indemnity insurances up to date.
  14. Erroneous data @ 10 ms

    as a guess... nothing to do with the baud rate at all... you have now got the operator to input a real number with decimal point, the PLC might only be setup to expect an ASCII equivalent to a number and not a decimal point ... which in the case of ASCII will be a full stop character. so previously you would of had a string for 25 looking like 3235 which is a single word. where as now you have a string of 25.00 looking like 3235 2E30 30.. which is 2 and half word with a non numerical character thrown in for good measure the "." =2E... You we need to sort this out first. ALSO, I do not know how your PLC program works but you will also have to modify how 2500 will be interpreted / manipulated in your PLC Logic as well to get it to work how you wish.
  15. Sequence program

    What PLC model.. SFC wont work with all... you can use any of the above methods mentioned above by Cross or Bits N Bytes and OR simply use KEEP instructions or SET and RSET... If you think you need state logic...have you hand drawn out the state diagram ?\ Have you analysed all the what if scenarios ?