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Everything posted by james2288

  1. CX Designer Images / Graphics

    Hello all. I am working with CX Designer 3.111 and I am trying to create a conveyor floor plan on my screen but can't create a image that works. I have tried using the inbuilt drawing tools but they are not accurate enough, I have tried drawing in autocad and converting to dxf and importing but only the straight lines show up and none of the curved lines . I have tried in autocad converting the image to BMP but when the file is imported into CX Designer it crashes. I have been successful with making and importing a BMP with photoshop but I am not good with photoshop and takes me a very long time to make a image. Does anyone know some simple to use software to create images that are compatible from scratch or have some clever ideas to achieve this? Thanks
  2. CX Designer Images / Graphics

    Jay - Thanks a lot that's exactly what I was after. Saved me a lot of trouble and frustration! Also thanks for the 1mb limit tip. Didn't know that either! BobB - Appreciate the help but I am doing custom layouts and need to draw from scratch. Cheers Guys