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About LuffyX

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  1. Right. Sysmac studio is for the new SYSMAC NJ controller. In addition, NJ supports most of the CJ1 expansion/modules. I've already tried using the new Sysmac studio once, but am not yet used to it. One good feature for this new system is that you can have an in-line ST in your program which is very useful in mathematical calculations/comparison. Plus, instead of calling an I/O point, data memory etc. via their addresses you input/use them using variable name/tag names. Sysmac studio also has a 3D simulator good for viewing motion sequences using your traced data. However it's quite irritating when you program using the sysmac studio. You always have to right click on the rung and click add rung below/above just to have another rung. As of now, this are the things/features I have noticed/discovered in the new sysmac studio. I know it's only a little info. I have used it once yet. :)
  2. duplicate output

    try this one. i modified the program made by mendon. added start/stop switch and made the program loop only between process no. 7 and no.8. hope this could help. looping process.pdf:)