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Everything posted by Inntele

  1. Simple programming cable for Mitsubishi FX

    The FX-232AW is an RS232 to RS422 converter with extended list of signals, and you can not repeat its schematics alone. You should use standard accessories for this connection, at least like SC-09 cable.
  2. Simple programming cable for Mitsubishi FX
  3. Move Zero into First Half of Data Register

    You have not specified the PLC type... WAND HFF00 D100 D100  or WAND HFF00 D100 (for Q/L-series)
  4. Weekly Timer

    I repeated the work and have developed again the FB, oriented to FX-series, with the aim then to convert it for Q-series. The FB is very compact (23 steps), looks and works fine ... However, there turned out a Qxx(H) series does not support most RTC instructions. So ... I know, the FB, performing the similar function, that is possible to convert, has been developed by Sergey Troizky , so pls try to talk with him. 
  5. Weekly Timer

    Yes, this is mine, and it can be used for DST, but not for the timer that the topicstarter needs. I did another FB, that was lost completely along with death of old HDD.
  6. Weekly Timer

    Dear Gambit, 1. The library is for Modicon PLC by Schneider Electric, not for Mitsubishi PLCs... I can not see the code, while doubt that the DST routine will work properly when PLC pass the DST point being unpowered or in stop mode. 2. The timer should work properly with any combination of time on/off, e.g. when the Time_on is at Friday (5) and Time_Off is at Wednesday (3). The DST does not require the mentioned logic.
  7. Weekly Timer

    Yes. Lets discuss conditions, because it's my time and my efforts, while I'm a very busy man. Today is impossible to spend for such help, but  22-23 Nov  a "window" will appear.
  8. Weekly Timer

    Sorry, there is no a code to download. Also the result of my work no available anymore. Additionally, your task demands additional efforts. However.. I know how to manage it
  9. Weekly Timer

    I've programmed. Pls, look there
  10. Soheil

    I.e. the answer is obvious.
  11. Soheil

    You should connect with developer of the system.
  12. @Joe E. IMHO: If you need to find an engineering person, who has not to tight screws in electrical cabinets, but has to develop PLC programs, just name the position like 'PLC Programmer'. Because the above mentioned terms has a wide mean, for which the PLC program development is not a main (a profile) working duty. 
  13. What happens here? L06 / Gxworks 2

    Hi Rolf, Now I haven't FBs because of my old hard drive was attacked at a low level ... If it's interesting for you, I can share with you a technique of programming of such filters in PLCs, because there is some difference between computer calculations and calculations in PLC. Cheers
  14. What happens here? L06 / Gxworks 2

    Hi ... I developed Fitst-Order-filter (first-order lag filter) , both and other effective filter. It was written gracefully and worked perfectly. However, Mitsubishi Electric kills everything I do!  The present time is a time of slow-witted managers and programmers who have acquired skills in the parish school.  Last releases of GX Works does not IEC compatible anymore... P.S. Kaare, I received and read your letter and will respond shortly.  
  15. Call ot Old Timers A0J2 & DOS MEDOC

    The desire to program this fossil from scratch looks like strange, because according to the T99-0069 technical bulletin a production of this PLC series has been discontinued since September 2008 and the ME repair service for it is unavailable since September 2015, so to replace the CPU with Q-serie (totally or partially) would be a correct step. But... with your issue the A0J2H Hardware manual refers to ACPU Programming Manual (Fundamentals), where is written, that PLC Parameter data is stored in the head of user memory area. May be these User's and Programming manuals could be also helpful for your work (list of other manuals to this PLC serie is inside).
  16. Communication Issue, FX3 to AB PVC600 HMI

    The default comm settings is 115200-7E1. When you've already connected to PLC, you can change the baudrate to another value. To connect with PLC and then to change the baudrate you should use some MELSOFT PLC programming software (GX Developer, or GX IEC Developer, or GX Works). There are no registers in PLC in which you could look the communication settings for programming port, at least I don't know about. P.S. "at least I don't know about". Moreover, even such register would present in PLC, anyway you have not access to them until you have not access to PLC via general programming or an additional port...
  17. Communication Issue, FX3 to AB PVC600 HMI

    The PLC programming port does not require an address field in the communiation frame.
  18. Communication Issue, FX3 to AB PVC600 HMI

    1) And where is the "Parity = Even, Data Bits = 7, Stop bits = 1" = 7E1, you have tested? In the attached screenshot I see another settings: 8N1 ; 2) On default the baudrate for FX3U programming port is 115200 Baud, not a 19200 or 9600 Baud ; 3) Usualy to take effect when you change communication port settings to some new, is need to reboot (to power off/on) the device, for which the settings has been changed. Hope it will help.
  19. Installation alarm code (-5006:0x800700b7)

    UPD: If your Win10 assembling version is 1511 or higher, then don't perform the abovementioned actions with executable installation files , just run the installation process.
  20. FX3S ERR light flashing

    Gambit, these are updates for european (english) versions of software, and it works.
  21. FX program for rewinding machine

    Hi TheoV, 1) RichardH has a problem with paper rewinding/slitting machine. He didn't want to write a new program. Especially, to develop it by himself.  2) I repaired a paper cutter machine by downloading the copy of manufacturer program into its PLC. That program worked on the machine before the PLC got faulty. I always remember about these dangerous factors and about responsibility. However, who will be responsible for malfunction, if the program in PLC is completely identical with original program, written by manufacturer?
  22. FX program for rewinding machine

    Richard, the working machine, you need to find, should be completely identical (not only its PLC). That fact, your machine has been already modifed by a company, whose service is unavailable for now, is not so critical, if they did not change electrical schematic and did not replace the original automation equipment with another. If they have changed/replaced it, you may face with additional problem. Anyway, would be better for you to work hand by hand with an automation specialist. Only for illustration. Just recently, I helped to reanimate a paper-cutting machine, the PLC program in which got "holes". Together with client we looked at a number of machines made by the same manufacturer and having the same model name, however, except of one, all were incompatible: either is equipped with another PLC, or with another HMI model, or it has a set of control switches and buttons that is other than the client's model has. Some has been modified by manufacturer, some by service companies. But finally we got a success: one machine had the same PLC, the same HMI and the same set of switches and buttons. While the program we have uploaded from the working machine was not full-compatible with the original, but it helped me to repair the original program and now the machine works fine, according to the original algorithm. It took our efforts, but in result, the cost of repairing by finding an identical machine and uploading its program was in three times cheaper for client's pocket in comparison to the offer from  manufacturer of the machine.
  23. FX program for rewinding machine

    Richard,  If you hope that any rewinding/slitting machines, even like yours controlled by Mitsubishi FX PLC, works under the same program and somebody at this forum has such program on their hard disks, you are thinking in wrong direction and you will lose time. If your machine has an operator panel (HMI) onboard, there are only two way, that might allow to be cost saving: 1) To find somewhere a machine, the model of which is completely identical with yours and which is working properly. Then you could ask somebody at this forum to help you to upload the program from the working machine and to download it into yours. Ideally, it can be done remotely, without travelling to objects. 2) To write a request to the manufacturer, may be they will agree to help  and to send you a program, written on cassette. To write a new program is possible, however will be expensive and time long exactly.
  24. FX3S ERR light flashing

    Yes, Crossbow. For something, that can not be translated, intuitive conclusions might be done. Also, when you are filling any form at that site, is need to take in mind, that the traditional japanese writing was from right to left. So the destination of buttons in any input form: "Confirm" is the left/orange, "Cancel" is the right/grey. P.S. Melsoft List main page Some software update pages: GXW3 , GXW2 , GXD8