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About seroke

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  1. Hydraulic Valve Control, No Feed Back.

    Hello , can you share your programme ? i hope i will help you. Dont send all of programme. Just this part. With HMI
  2. Hello Gambit , this block can only be used for "set method". I use "count method 2". That is, I make Home with an external sensor signal.
  3. Retaining a numerical input.

    If I understand correctly: The first value you provided is 75. The second value you provided is 120, which means the angle increases by 45. The active angle became 120. However, when you enter the value 60, you want it to count down from 60 and reach 60 degrees. I think the algorithm below will work:
  4. Hello everyone, I'm writing a block in GX Works3 to perform the "Home" operation of a servo motor. (The algorithm inside the block has been tested and is working.) However, in projects with many servo motors, I want to use the block. The axis number will be requested from input the block, and the value received needs to be indexed into the places labeled as "Axis" within the block. And I need values like (4*(AxisNo))+2 inside some structure labels. The function block I want to create will look like the attached file. Which methods should I use to achieve this, and how can I do it? I tried using arrays but couldn't succeed.   Example; If I enter a value of 2 for the Axis, the labels below will look like this: FX5SSC_1.stnAxCtrl2_D[Axis].uPositioningStart_D.0                               ====> FX5SSC_1.stnAxCtrl2_D[2].uPositioningStart_D.0          FX5SSC_1.stSysCtrl_D.uExternalInputOperationDevice1_D.(4*Axis+2)   ====> FX5SSC_1.stSysCtrl_D.uExternalInputOperationDevice1_D.10    
  5. How to see full name of labels in GX Works 3 ?

    Its working.. Thank you !!!!
  6. Hi all ,    I've a simple question. But it's a problem that makes my job difficult. How can i see full name of this labels. Without double-clicking or hovering the mouse cursor over it. I have to keep clicking while checking the program.This steals my time. And sometimes I can accidentally change it when I click...  
  7. Endless Timer

  8. Endless Timer

    if timer = 1 ..start lamp1 timer = 2 ..start lamp2 timer = 3 ..start lamp3 timer = 4 ..start lamp4 timer = 5 ..reset all.. .this part works. but it should restart and be endless..
  9. Endless Timer

    Hi all , I'm new on Mitsubishi , so i've some problems. I need to write an endless timer. *I have to use just 1 timer. *If click start;     -1s later 1st lamp    -2s later 2nd lamp (together)    -3s later 3st lamp (together)    -4s later 4th lamp will be on.    -5s later they will be off.    -6s later it will start again from first step. Please help me...   
  10. Confused over Function Block Counters

    lol :D no. its gx works 3. but i think the algorithm is same
  11. Confused over Function Block Counters

    @mitsibushiman Hi! i've same problem.. .how did you reset it ? 
  12. GT Designer - Alarm Screen

    Oh , okay.. Thank you very much 
  13. GT Designer - Alarm Screen

    Hi @Gambit , thanks for your answer. But i couldnt. do it. Did you add describes from "External Output"?
  14. GT Designer - Alarm Screen

    Hello all.. I have a program for my customer.  There is an alarm page.  They want a solution screen for alarms. For example ; if there is an alarm , they will click a button near the alarm. They will see solutions for that alarms in a pop-up page. Is it possible with GT Designer  3 ? Thanks