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CX-programmer I/O

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Hallo everybody Small silly question. How does omron and CX-programmer asign their I/O's. I have to start work with that soon and need to get up to speed fast. I'm working with Modicon now and in there, input addresses starts wit a 1 (one)- thus 10001 for input one. And 0 (zero) for outputs- thus 00001 for output one. Seems like with Omron I either have to tell it what I want the addresses to be, or it the opposite of Modicon Please help me or steer me in the right direction. Will probibly ask much more later as I work more with it. Thanx

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Addressing will depend on which processor you are working with. CX-Programmer will program all of the current products. CPM/CQM/CP1 all use fixed addressing. Inputs will start with zero, output will start with 010 or 100. CS1/CJ1 uses free addressing. Address will depend on the module location. Some modules will require more than one channel (32 and 64 point modules). "Special" I/O module addresses are determined by the dip switch setting on the module. Addressing will be detailed in the "Operation" manual for the specific model you are working with. Hope this will help.

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If you have the PLC the easiest way is to connect to it, create an I/O table and see what addresses have been allocated to each card. You will also find that if you have an I/O table in CX-P, the symbol list will have the rack location of the address and whether it is an input or an output listed. When programming in ladder, after the foregoing has been accomplished, and input will have an "I" in front of the address number after it has been inserted and an output will be designated with a "Q".

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