
S135U R Processor QVZ Fault

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I am getting a QVZ light. I opened ISTACK but I don't really understand what it is telling me. I've attached a couple screenshots. I'd appreciate any help.





Edited by JP1080

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The QVZ error bit is usually a Timeout during data exchange with I/Os

STP-BEF Stop operation: - stop mode caused by STEP 5 operation "STP" -stop mode after stop command from system program, if error -organization block is not programmed

NEUZU COLD RESTART  permitted (STOP) or COLD RESTART was permitted when the last RESTART took place (RESTART/RUN)

MWA-ZUL MANUAL WARM RESTART permitted (STOP) or COLD RESTART was permitted when the last RESTART took place (RESTART/RUN)

OB1GEL Organization block OB 1 is loaded in the user memory. Cyclic program execution is determined by OB 1

OBWECK Time interrupt organization block loaded, i.e. time-driven program execution is possible

EPROM User memory submodule is an EPROM

The stop error is caused by QVZ - ie - no data exchange with i/o's, possibly a programmed i/o that does not exist? - faulty i/o  card? power supply problem on i/o cards? - check all the i/o cards for data exchange, power supplies etc.

In the FB 5 there is some "indirect" addressing transfers going on -


I 11 (Increment by 11, ( end address of the source area)

L KH EEF8 (end address of destination area)
TNB 7 (Transfer 7 Bytes of data.

(I think - it has been a long time since I have used S5).

Edited by Moggie
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Thank you! I have tried changing a couple I/O cards and it hasn't helped. In the first picture, do you know where I/O Byte 11 is trying to lead me to? I tried changing the IO card that uses I11.0 11.1 etc, but that did not fix it. Any chance it could be backplane issue? Thanks again for the help.

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The value that is in the parameter =ADPR is incremented by 11 to give the end address of the indirect transfer.

Yes it could be the backplane.


Can you go online and check that the inputs from the cards can be seen??

Edited by Moggie

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I can I will check that. Thanks again

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