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RSView 32 Application question

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I have a RSView project that tracks product as it moves through a piece of equipment. The PLC moves the data from point to point as the product shifts thought the machine. There are times where the data gets corrupted and we need to edit it. Currently this is done at the PLC. We want to do it at RSView so on to my question.... I would like to create 1 popup box that we can edit the data for any given product location. I thought I could set it up so that when we press an "Edit" button at the product location, the relevant tags would be transfered to the pop-up window for editing. Once complete, an exit button on the pop-up would then clear those tags out. I've done it in wonderware with scripting, just wondering if there is a way to set a generic tag = to a real tag so that when data is entered into the generic tag it is sent to the real tag. Make any sense? Thanks in advance. -Dave

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In other words you want to use indirects. You can kind of do that with parameters. Parameter files have a structure of: #1={tag} (the PLC is CLX so you may need to work out the structure for your PLC) In the faceplate you reference #1.(tag dotfield) The button that calls the faceplate would reference the parameter file

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I've done something similar using macros. First, create a memory tag in RSView32 to hold a pending value, say Pending\Tag1. Create a display, i.e. EditPopUp, with an input field for the data to be edited, a "Save and Close" button, and a "Cancel and Close" button. For the "Save and Close" button, make the action "SaveEdit" and for the "Cancel and Close" button, make the action "AbortMe". Create two macros like the following and call them OpenEdit and SaveEdit. OpenEdit Pending\Tag1 = RealTag Display EditPopUp SaveEdit RealTag = Pending\Tag1 AbortMe Now, create your "Edit" button on one of your displays. For the "Edit" button's action, enter OpenEdit. The pop-up window will open with a copy of the data you want to edit. After you edit it, you can click the "Save and Close" button to move the edited data to the Real tag or click the "Cancel and Close" button to keep the old data.

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Scoot/Michael thank you both for the replies. The PLC we are using is the PLC5. I think the Macro approach is best way of approaching this. However, I have another question: I'm trying to keep this application as simple as possible. This is an oven application with 18 position, top and bottom so a total of 36 postions that will need edited. I don't want to have to create 36 seperate macros to do this. I'm on board with the OpenEdit and Close Edit commands, when I push the Edit button, is there a way to pass the tags I want edited to the Marco? For example: Edit button action: OpenEdit EditTag = RealTag I will have to do some simulation on the bench to try this out. Anymore information is greatly appreciated! Thanks, dave

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I'd recommend using parameters as well, but using the /t switch. /t is a direct tag name pass to a parameter, as opposed to use a /p which would pass in the parameter file. You won't need to create multiple files in this instance. For example, a simple test application: Main Screen: 32 "Edit Tag" buttons corresponding to TagName1 - TagName32 Pop-up screen: Numeric entry Each Main Screen edit button will use the same command, varying only by the tag in question. e.g., Edit Tag #11 would be "display PopUp /tTagName11" The Pop-up screen's numeric entry would simply point at #1. ________ A twist comes in with your goal of having the save/cancel functionality. In this case, I would personally create a 'PlaceholderTag' as a memory tag, and point the numeric input there. I'd throw a numeric display above that to show the current value of the actual tag (linked to #1.) Now my pop-up has the current value (#1), the proposed value (PlaceholderTag), save button, and cancel button. Cancel button merely Abort me's. Save button also abort me's to clear the screen, but prior to that it writes the value from PlaceholderTag to #1 - "Set #1 PlaceholderTag". So your save button command would look like: set #1 PlaceholderTag abort me Finally, it would probably be nice if the PlaceholderTag reflected the real tag's current value upon pop-up. To accomplish this, go into the Pop-up's display settings, Behavior tab. Under Startup put in "Set PlaceholderTag #1." This will write the real tag's value to the PlaceholderTag when the pop-up is opened. Best of luck...

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