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EthernetIP commection from laptop to CLX Processor

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I am working on a project with an L61 Control Logix processor, 2 PanelView + displays and a remote chassis. I am using Control Net to map the RIO, that works fine. I am using DF1 to comunicate to the processor (reaction time to the software is really bad). I am using EthernetIP from an ENBT to the Panel View + stations. I can program on the DF1, but it is slow. The EthernetIP is working great for the PV+ downloads. I've tried to find a way to use the Ethernet to get into the PLC, but nothing seems to work. Dose anyone have a clue as to where I'm missing the proper setup? The problem isn't holding up the project but there seems to be a little problem following the program updates for the project. We have to meet certain timing functions with the Coast Guard regulations and in the past using the SLC-500's we have been able to deteermine timing issues by using the SLC's. I'm having trouble with the updates to the software.

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Should not be a problem. First make sure your RsLinx is up to date. Second make sure that the ethernet port on your PC is set to an I/P address not used on the network but similar with the same class of sub net. If you are going direct you will have to use a cross over cable. I have had issues with this way and had to use a powered ethernet switch between the Pc and PLC. If you use the switch it will allow the PV to be active at the same time as you are online. The set up RSlinx with an AB I/P connection. You should be able to see the plc and the PV on the network. If not, try using the dos command window and ping the devices. You may have to reboot your PC to recognize the new network configuration. Usually with the ENBT the issue is RSLinx. I have had to uninstall completely and then reinstall RSlinx to get it to finally work. There was some issues with just upgrading. Just takes time and trying different things to get it to work.

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The fact that the EtherNet/IP connection is working well for PV+ downloads tells us that you have an IP address for your computer that is on the same IP subnet as the PV+ terminals, and presumably also on the same subnet as the 1756-ENBT module. Still, it can't hurt to make sure using PING that you can access each device with Ethernet cables and TCP/IP protocol before you start with RSLinx. The PV+ terminals use the EtherNet/IP driver in RSLinx Enterprise (linked closely with RSView Studio). RSLogix 5000 uses the EtherNet/IP driver in RSLinx Classic (where you configured that DF1 driver). There are two Ethernet drivers available in RSLinx Classic. The older "Ethernet Devices" driver requires that you enter the IP addresses you want to browse into a table of Station/Host Addresses. The newer EtherNet/IP driver will browse the local subnet for Rockwell devices, but it's easily defeated by firewall or VPN software. I hook up to a different system every day using EtherNet/IP, so I know it's pretty easy once you get the fundamentals down. Post what you've tried, and exactly what you see in RSLinx and RSLogix, and you'll certainly get there.

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