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Everything posted by KasperV79

  1. PN PLC 2 PLC multiple DB's

    Hi. Guys. Im really strugling with the communication  between two PLC's in TIA. So we have a project with 9 PLC (1516-3 PN). We have lots of communication between many of the PLC's. PUT/GET is not an option for us. So i have tried with Tsend and Tsend_C. The problem is that we really need to send more than one DB back and forth.   So my question is: How to set up a two way communication between two PLC's (not in same projct = unspecified PLC)  AND send multiple DB's across. I've tried to follow this: https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/mdm/91696622?c=60823311755&dl=en&lc=de-WW But cannot see how the DB's can be sendt to individually recieve blocls, and cannot get it to work :(
  2. PN PLC 2 PLC multiple DB's

    That's right. I just made a quick Move block function "POKE_BLK" and merged the different unit data to this DB. But Wold still like to know how the "right" way is o send multiple DB's over a single connection.
  3. PN PLC 2 PLC multiple DB's

    Thanks for your input. It’s correct about the Tsend and the and Tsend_C (_C is the compact and includes the connection) my problem is to understand how I can send more than one DB since there’s no destination adresse for the receiving block. Only in the connection part where I can define the receiving port number. So maybe the only solution to send multiple DB are to create multiple Connections.   we would try to avoid structuring all in one DB since it would impact our structure. But it could end up with it.  
  4. Loop through optimized DB.

    Hi guys. Im trying to figure out how to loop through a number og object i an db. I received some controls modules for a project. I have to chaeck if any of them have an unacknowledge alarm. I could do it the manualle way but theres alot! there's 5 alarms on every analog. So I started to do a loop as i would have done it before theese optimzed block was an option... As I tryif to show in the picture theres a mix og optimized and non optimized block. the Bit "SCADA_ALARM_ACK", How can i loop through all 5 of them and then go to next opbjoect lidsted in the static? Please let there be a solution other than manualy check every single one......