Macgyver BR

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Posts posted by Macgyver BR

  1. RS Logix 500 or RS Logix 500 Start --- What diference "start"? In web site: Micrologix 1000 = Programing Rs Logix Start Micrologix 1200 = Programing Rs Logix 500 Micrologix 1500 = Programing RS Logix 500 For programing SCL500 and Micrologix, families sometime RS Logix to work. OK,yes? What suport RS Logix 5000 ? Is possible, table name software and PLC suports...

  2. 1-Brazil 2- Main and others My objetive: Is comunicate about.Sorry, not see incoherent.No possible, correction. Tranks you reply, have others pages find: It ample, not easy. I wait news reply

  3. PID - About this traditional control, can be common, but difficult find professionals and professors (masters) with complete answer. The manuals of controlers, they utilize, the range of manufacturers and definitions not standard, generates contradictions, becomes confused. Which the difference in the operation (behavior) : a)Adaptative; b)Seft-tunning; c)Auto-tunning; d)Dynamic; Gain alters: 1)For each value of SP one gain 2)Lineal distributed in range of SP 3)Variation of gain proportional the level of error. 4)Infixes in zones of SP, and others values between zones. (Exemple: SP=0%-40% K = value ; SP=41%-80% K=value * 1.3) ONE Questions: I find a short explanation, of as identify (differentiate) the PID a) b) c) d). And itself a) b) c) d) conection with 1)2)3)4), which relation. What types PID for figures? Line red = SP Line yellow= PV TWO Questions: And about ANTI WIND UP - Kind of situation should utilize this recurse? What know. As it implement the anti-wind-up, in a simple block PID ? Thanks help, for writes complete or part, and cited web page have it's. Edited last post 03, for quest. PID Comprensão e tipos controle e operação. PID - Sobre este tradicional controle, pode ser comum, mas difícil encontrar profissionais e professores com resposta completa. Os manuais de controladores, utilizam, a variedade de fabricantes e definições não padrão, gera contradições, torna confuso. Qual a diferença na operação (comportamento): Adaptativo; Seft-tunning; Auto-tunning;   Dinâmico; Gain altera: Para cada valor de SP um ganho diferente Linear distribuido na faixa de SP Variação de ganho proporcional a amplitude de erro. Ganho fixos em zonas de SP, e diferentes entre  zonas. (Exemple: SP=0%-40% K=y; SP=41%-80% K=y+n) Procuro uma explicação breve, de como identificar (diferenciar) os PID a)b)c)d) . E se a)b)c)d) interliga com 1)2)3)4), qual relação. E sobre ANTI  WIND UP - Que tipo de situação deve utilizar, este recurso? Como implementar o anti-wind-up, em um bloco PID simples ?

  4. Tranks! The page, that informed is not brought up to date in the time and confused.I get manual my language and enlhish, not clear. The Hardware OBA3: 4.4.15- Random generator 4.4.22- SoftKey When it use, in that situation applies? The SoftKey hold, sometime reset hand ? Yes? Understand exact operate.

  5. The "new" hardware LOGO have after 0BA2 to end code product. (edit-add affter) The features the new hardware have: •Generator of Pulses Randomic - Which need where applies, know say because to Siemens get this function? •Key comfort - Which myself purpose of this, the name does not tell nothing. Other news features, i am aproved, good Micro PLC.

  6. YES, panic mode it PLC's to start the project, it run one version machine (Mitsubishi it list predilete PLC features) I down know, it one fail project to year No problem, exact time SCAN, only some instants in that occurs simultaneous events the lag. You help! More advance programmer, i to study the problem in lithe vacation. [ If not fail in my works, what make in the vacation!?! ]

  7. OK ! Get solution and test pratical very solution. FA-M3R Yokogawa The compact PLC and very fast, it possible write instrutions and interruptions to syncronize all tools. One problem, price and medium PLC, no have similar lithe PLC brand?

  8. :*-( As diminish the honor of ours dear equipment! That maintain we everybody. It would be able to use, electronic circuit would be simpler and cheap. You use PLC for control of lights of Christmas?? Here do not we use. That it breaks is that, that is in top from the image of the PLC? PLC to you? When, that the MrPLC, will have its own PLC to we program saw INTERNET Really, stayed frightened

  9. Certain, that MYSELF need improve the writing "Harmonize the personal interests to the collectives". I lament do not write of clear form, but the professional interest is bigger as regards restraint of the language. Therefore, a help welcome, send a message private which way mount the phrases gives birth to that be understood Please sweats comprehension, Panic do not increase more restraints. Not talk the PLC, by I fear of limit the post in terms of manufacturer and participants, and also associate to idea that these do not they be capable from the solution, being perhaps possible of resolve. Summary: THE PLC capable run the cycle. However, only some instants in that occurs simultaneous events, that are lost (done not actions or delayed) To grasp, the situation follow the cycle from the machine, and think, imagines, when more of a piece, they will be in the exact position and individually the actions should be carried out. Do not I know all of the PLC, neither even the new software, perhaps exist a form of program. ... Do not I want to bother the members (sic Admin) therefore write here only replys. It doubts, understand send Message Private

  10. YES, EXACT, I ask as winning the limitations. Or which equipments can dominate the situation. Because I don't know all equipments. Always when I write, I have intention of describing the operation and operation of the equipment. For same who doesn't know the answer, to know situation and think,a respect. Same who doesn't have enough knowledge, it will take advantage something. Of here some days, those that think can discover the reply,more participations would facilitate in the construction of the answer... Best would be the use of this place, because older professionals exist and of several sections, expose the knowledge. (to write) All would learn, what would be impossible in the reality of the time and of the life. The sincere considerations of

  11. Well coming, good attitude in ask in this forum. I expect that acquire the habit that think and question before of do, is the necessary quality to all programmer, like this will trust in itself even. The function FOR/NEXT, is not advised utilize in the control, private I utilize for handling of facts, information, comparison of facts and ordering, rarely in the command of actions. Because!? It can freeze the program, if pass from the team of WatchDog and does not accept timers internal. I understood: That several set in motion valves, by a interval and duration defined by a selector. . Adequate solutions: 01-It utilize a sequenciator, where a Timer 1 triger a counter, and the acumulator of the counter will be the index of the sequenciator. Before of reset the Timer 1, is able to set in motion the Timer 2 that defined a pause. In the Mitsubishi, the instruction sequenciator is Master Control (MC and MCR) metod binary: Utilize timers that trigger/ command the instrution main, cited to short. 02-Mathematical operations: Utilize intrutions of sum or multiplication. And move the result for the start of a Byte in the area of memory of contacts (M0,M8...) And it utilize associate or combine the M respective, to command the outputs. 03-Operations of movement: Utilize the functions of Shift (FNC-34-35)ou rotate (FNC 32-33) and associate or combine the M respective for commads the outputs. As it utilize the FX0, only the 01 is applied, the too they are you applied in complex or flexible situations that have configurations, or dynamic with change of sequence. Good results and practical .

  12. Costly colleague this this is a dilemma. It is situation, to my knowledge, exists a restraints to implement. The PLCs do not they possess adequate resorts to treat information in high speed, you are not the the only one. Motive to which awoke interest in open this post. FX0N not has FNC 63 -Incremental Drum Sequence you go ideal instruction. I will not supply a logical solution therefore the that MYSELF possess for this case, would operate in function of the time of SCAN. Case the smaller time of answer, action from the machine be more less than the SCAN, not applies-itself. The correct one, apply the trigger in the INPUTS X0, X1,X2, X3 and utilize a counter for each valve. If stayed, bothered, do not concern. I believe that this situations are the motivate, I expect that programmer best know, come support and we will be able to build the solution.

  13. In determined machines, is necessary perform several actions, these related the position of the object. (Think of a quick mat, with several objects) The restraint that occurs is that normally has limited, the quick counter instructions number by to be associated the input. Normally, it needs barely an encoder to accompany the objects, however as store the position of each object inside the machine. The mathematical use of instructions, limits the speed. And more worse loses sincron. Which model of PLC I possessed instructions capable of defeat is limitation? Is able to tell about any manufacturer. Edit below: 1 Dezember 2003For better comprehension from the question, I describe the operation from the machine to that be possible the study of the problem and the difficulty of implement the solution 100% efficient. (No have software convert format GIF) CLICK HERE -MACHINE.BMP Purpose: Perform operations in pieces of woods, inserting lateral in the borders, wood sheet covering or tape of imitation of superficíe. Other operations, drill of surface and marking. Objective global: Synchronize them beaten of the tools, accompany the pieces in the time and journey and set in motion the tools in the exact instant from the operation. Objective of the PLC: Must be obtained synchronize the angles of beaten of the tools, in good exact time (future) in that will must liberated the operation from the tool. And in the instant, when the point of marking from the piece, be evident below the tool activate. The tools A and B they are mechanics, and defendants magnetized and with control of sweater closed for synchronize. Characteristics: Crazy to 12000 RPM, cycle of strike to each 60/12000 = 5ms. the nucleus is free to strike. Mesh closed: I Possessed a sensor of marking, active 120º used for control of the synchronize. It utilizes an I brake magnetic to delay the turn, and synchronize the turn in the angle/time in function of the markings (captured - you mark) in the piece. Components: Encoder- Of simple phase 1,8º Generates the reference of position for everybody pieces in the mat. S1-Sensor of reading from the piece: Used to capture the crevices, the beginning and end, in the piece. S2-Sensor of reading from the ink of pen: Capture the line of marking. It utilizes to control the tool B. 1ºmark: 1º Point of drill 2ºmark defined the second point of drill and the distance between the marks will be the space for next holes. Tool A- Sheet of cut from the tape of border. Possess both sides. Tool B - Drill of surface, elemina an area circulate in the surface for the head of the bolt. Tool C - Stamp, performs to write in the superficie from the piece. It possesses an I brake magnetic to position in the in the angle of zero. Mat - Speed from 6 to 10 m/s The intention of this POST, is not that someone supply the solution, algorithm. (But he is not repressed this act) YES. he discuss in terms of hardware and assembly of instructions, existing or applied the situation describe. Independent of brand. Point of sight: THE difficulty is in synchronize everybody operations. Even determined cycles, be possible, re-calculate the position from the piece, perform the position mathematics operations, transfer records, maintain the sweaters of the sweaters of the tools synchronized. Despite of the necessary, skillful time to perform everybody operations before of the actions depends on the speed from the mat and distance between the pieces, is not a grave limitation. It occurs, the intersection of the events, or the proximity of set in motion the tools, grasp and bring up to date the records. To to put upon priorities, kill an event or do not obtain answer in the exact moment. To my critic, is about the PLC' s, not hardware with appropriate assembly of instructions for an execution exists to work in high speed: 1)Instrutions, movement of facts, mathematical operations in high speed or processing isolated, parallel 2)Operators of displacement, resfresh instâtaneo (output). 2.1)Verifies, the partial existence of these instructions, the combination cannot be implemented by written restraints in the manuals or sights in the practice. 3) or efficient meanses of synchronize the SCAN of the equipment with events, of way of grasp and answer in a window of time "known" of an event. 4) Clocks in the order of milisegundes or tenth, with stability and way of synchronize. Everybody point of sight or knowledge that contrary to them declared, affirmative or negative is accepted. Like this, as I do not know it's PLC large-scale, if capable of the solution, describes.

  14. Hello! I thank, by the arrangement from the answer. Yes, it would like comments of others programmers about the use of these instructions, and situations that were applied with efficiency. But, it looks big part that only capable of answer with ready answers. JimRowell I agree that should utilize you are intrutions with take care, due to operate with memory, the records of control should be guarded, limited in the reach (encapsulate you go ideal term). I like of exploit the instructions and diverse capacities of several PLC' s, carrying out diverse compositions of instructions, and mainly trying uncover fails hides it. Perhaps, this be, the factor of fear of the frequent use of these instructions, therefore soon that perceives fails it, bug, abandons the use. These bugs they exist, created by the users or belonging to the firware or to internal same in level of processing, this would generate another post.

  15. What brand the PLC???? Later first reply Omron, good system. It looks a lot, does not have you I/O !? Is possible operator from PLC. (move the cam) Which they are the characteristic of the product? Is able to tell the main. It passes LINK from him, that I put in I enclose in the image.