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Everything posted by ZERAIDI

  1. BMX NOR 0200H

    Hi Mr. Azdi Mustafa, Firstly Thank you for having replied to my request, I have a BMX NOR 0200 H point-to-point architecture and I would like to transmit the value of a word ( INT )  (% MW100) exist at the slave level to another (INT ) %MW200 address at the master level, how I can do this mapping configuration . For the printed screens that you have if possible to send them to me on this address, zeraiditaoufi@hotmail.com it can be useful for my pmlatefrome.   Tankyou a lot Mister MUstapha Regards, ZERAIDI.
  2. BMX NOR 0200H

    Hello Mr. Azdi Mus I would just to know the configuration you have on your RTU  BMX NOR 0200H , if you can send us the configuration file .format xml Thank you in advance for this service. Mail : zeraiditaoufi@hotmail.com ZERAIDI