
MrPLC Member
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Everything posted by rustybits

  1. modbus with Q03UDECPU

    I'd like to use AdvancedHMI or possibly opensource pymodbus with the Q03UDE built ethernet port. My question is: How do I setup the communications under Open Setting in GX Works 2 to do this with modbus? I've tried every option and can't get communications up and running. Any help would greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! rustybits
  2. modbus with Q03UDECPU

    I am going to have to figure out how to either mimic the melsoft communication the GOT uses or MC Protocol with python
  3. modbus with Q03UDECPU

    AdvancedHMI driver is a Modbus master what configurator do I need for predefined protocol with the built in ethernet port on the Q03UDE?
  4. modbus with Q03UDECPU

    is it possible to do any type of tcp/ip or udp messaging with the q03ude? if so how do I get setup the "Open Setting" to accomplish this?...I should be able to construct a packet that the Q03ude needs to see in order to read and write data to it.