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Everything posted by SoftwareJanitor

  1. Anybody here familiar with Wonderware Archestra (3.1)?Authentication Mode is stuck in "Galaxy" and no matter how it's changed inside the IDE and resynchronized, the View Nodes don't see it and update.This all started with simply changing an existing user (that had been working). We renamed the user, so it was deleted out of the Galaxy, then re-selected. This was done in "OS User" Authentication Mode. Then, we switched back to our normal "User Group" Authentication Mode. But then the user was able to log in, but not control anything ("Access Denied", or buttons grayed out).When this happened once before, switching to "Galaxy Authentication" Mode, then back to "User Group" Mode cured it. This time it appears to be stuck in Galaxy Mode, and each ViewNode has the Domain drop-down grayed out. Can log in with "Administrator" and no password, but same thing ... no control/access to anything.Domain Controller seems to be working otherwise. Wonderware "Service Account" not locked out. Maybe the Galaxy is just corrupted?
  2. How Do I Edit PanelView Plus (1000) File?   Feel stupid asking such a basic question, but they asked me to make a change to this PanelView Plus app here at work (I'm not the "PLC guy' here), and I don't know *how* to open the darn thing.  It was hard enough just trying to *find* the app. I've got two files.  One is type "FT View Archive File" and the other is "RSView ME Station File".  I tried starting up "FactoryTalk View ME Station" and it brought up a simple panel with  "Load Application" and "Terminal Settings" buttons active, but all that seems to do is RUN the panel.  Can't seem to edit it that way.   I also see "FactoryTalk View Studio", but when I start *that* up, it asks me to choose an application type to configure (something new?). There's also something here called "Application Manager" which pops up a dialog with (4) radio buttons for Machine Edition or (3) Site Editions (Local, Network, or Network Distributed).  If I select "Machine Edition" and click "Next", there's a button to "Restore Application".  Is that what I want to do (to restore the Archive File)???? Why is everything about Rockwell so convoluted and confusing?  
  3. How Do I Edit PanelView Plus (1000?) File?

    OK, finally got it open yesterday.  Thanks! Looks like it's saving the apps in:  C:\Users\Public\Documents\RSView Enterprise\ME\HMI projects One other question: can you put logic in these PanelView Pluses, or is it just buttons and graphics?  I remember WAY back when I was asked to fill in on a PLC project I used a color panel, but it was just buttons and graphics.  All the logic had to go in the PLC.  Now I need to add some functionality in one system that allegedly exists in another, but when I look in the PLC logic on the other app I see logic that handles a key press, but all it does is set an output and then that output is not referenced anywhere else in the PLC.  So I was thinking the logic must be in the Panel.  It's just an incrementer button to bump a setpoint up and down.
  4. How Do I Edit PanelView Plus (1000?) File?

    Yeah, but why doesn't it tell you WHERE it's putting it?  Normally you'd see an entry box to specify WHERE to put the output - like with WinZip.  Is there some config file somewhere where this path is specified?  The shortcut for Application Manager points to an RSView Enterprise directory under the Rockwell Software directory under Program Files, but I don't see anything obvious in there. I can rename it, sure, but I need to know WHERE it's going to dump it. 
  5. How Do I Edit PanelView Plus (1000?) File?

    JRoss and JoeE: Thanks so much for your prompt replies.  I've got the Application Manager up and I'm pointing it to the "FT View Archive" file, and now it's asking me for a name for the new application, and when I leave it as is it says "that name already exists, do you want to overwrite it ?" ... which is fine - except WHERE is it putting it?  Is it going into the same directory where the Archive file is because right now that's the only file in that directory and it is *not* named the same thing (ie: it has "Rev 10" tacked onto the end).  Makes me wonder where this file is going (unless it's just ignoring the "Rev 10" in the name, for some reason)
  6. Archestra Version 11: Lost All Audible Alarms

    Fixed.  Galaxy kept dropping off scan.  Undeployed, then re-deployed in pieces to get it working again.
  7. This happened once before about 3 years ago.  The theory at that time was that a counter parameter "UnAckAlmTotal" ( may have the name incorrect ??) was non-zero and it needed to be zero.  Looking at my AppEngines I can see that all have this non-zero value (they all show '1').  Previous fix (allegedly) was to UnDeploy/Redeploy, but tried that on one engine and no luck. Any ideas why audible alarms (beeping) suddenly disappears on Archestra?