
MrPLC Member
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Everything posted by PLCs_Rock

  1. IFIX Scada communication issues

    Could be a lot of things but to start off, what PLCs are you using? I would recommend to start looking at your connections like if you are using and iges driver or if it is PLC 5 then make sure your tags are being collected  the ABR driver. Also with ABR tags, once you turn them off, you have to manually turn them ALL back on. 
  2. iFix screen adjustments

    Hello all, I am new to iFix and I was starting to make some screen changes. When I did, I had to zoom in to add a new feature. I did allof this successfully but when I run the screen, it is zoomed in. I have zoomed out and saved but that didn't work. I have tried everything that I could find (which is limited) to correct this issue but nothing seems to work. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Anyone have a solution? Thanks in advance!