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About Shlomo

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  1. Thanks for the comments. Indeed, the port was not set for hostlink.
  2. Hello, ParaffinPower, 1. Yes, I'm aware that the CSF is missing, but it shouldn't disturb the communication. 2. The PLC is CP1E, and it is provided by a USB cable. But I'm not using this cable. In this case I'm using a second cable which is connecting 1:1 the serial port of the PC with the serial port of the PLC. There is no LED for this Comm port. 3. From the PC-side I'm defining the settings for Hostlink, from the PLC-side, I don't know.
  3. Hello, I tried to send the following string to the PLC SerialPort1.Write( "@00RR0000000100*" + CHR(13) ) and I tried to read the response TextBox1.Text = SerialPort1.ReadExisting().ToString I got a TimeoutException and a message: NO DATA Is it possible to check whether the PLC received the string?