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Everything posted by Benlabrume

  1. B&R Automation Motion ACOPOSMulti

    Hello, You're right, the lacke of the line filter coud be the reason of your problem. Harmonics can cause grounding problems, and line filter is here to remove them. Benlabrume.
  2. B&R Automation Motion ACOPOSMulti

    Hello, As I read, It's seem than there is no regeneration choke connected in your active power supply (X5 connector). I don't understand why you are simulating the motor on this axis? What error happen when simulation is off? Please, send me a screen shot of the mapping table. Benlabrume
  3. B&R Automation Motion ACOPOSMulti

    Hello, Please, check X1 plug in Active power supply and Auxillary PS, CR_OK and COM needs to be connected (COM form Active to Auxilliary and CR_OK form Active to Auxilliary). Check if the screw used to fix modules on rack are realy screwed (5N), because if not, Acopos will not works. Codes exemples for single axis are exactly same for Acopos multi systems. The only thing you need to do with Acitve power supply is to put it in STANDSTILL state to allow supply regeneration or resistor regeneration. Check if EPL node numbers are correct and try to connect Acopos with "Test center". If you connect Trigger1 and trigger2 on 24VDC make sur than your trigger dectection in Acopos init table is ACTIVE_LOW. Benlabrume.
  4. B&R Automation communication with AllenBradley PLC

    Hello Beerad! I've already made a communication between a B&R PLC and a Ubuntu computer in TCP-IP. I was in charge of the PLC side and I've use AsTCP library from B&R to do this. In this case, we exchange an array of bytes in both directions. You can find exemples (TCp / UDp etc...) in Automation Studio (B&R programing tool) to do this in a good way. As I know, there is a library in Automation Studio to perform communications between B&R PLC and Rockwell directlly in Eternet/IP, name of the library is ASEthIP. Benlabrume
  5. B&R Automation studio

    Hello, To run coffee machine project, -Open Automation Studio, AS should open on the start page, if not go on Help Menu >> Show start page. -Once on the start page, On the left side, you have some menus, select Getting started. -Click on Coffee Machine link, Automation Studio (AS), will ask you to extract the project in your hard drive (by default C:/Project). Click on Open button and wait until the end of the excrtact procedure. -Once it's done, you should arrive in AS on the logical view. In this view, you have all programs for this project. Remember than AS authorize you to have one program (Logical view) for multi CPU. -Click on the configuration view (This view show you all CPU's configured for this project.) In this case, you can see than this project is able to run on Simulator (Default), And in a 4PP420. -Normally, when you open coffee machine project, simulation configuration is set by default, simulator souhld run on your computer (Icon in the task bar named AR010 or ARsim). -In Automation Studio, you should already be connected to simulator (You can check this on the lower side of AS application >> RUN). -Now trnasfert the project into the simulator (ctrl +F5 or transfert button in AS.) -Once the project is transfered, start your VNC view software to access to HMI.Adress is and password is "c". -Coffee machine should run in your computer. I really invite you to read B&R Help, you will find all informations you need about Automation Studio (How to program, debug, transfert, add configurations etc.) Hope this can help you! Ben La Brume