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Everything posted by baj

  1. I forgot about this trick too, glad I found this because my error window was lost in the abyss and I couldn't see the error that was preventing me from importing my monster program full of changes.  I am surprised by all the customizations I had set in Logix over the years, I'm sure I'm still missing a few. FYI, after I did the CTRL-SHIFT launch of RSLogix 5k, I could not open an SFC or FBD routine without locking up RSLogix 5k.  Ladder logic routines worked fine.  I even opened an ACD from several months ago (completely unrelated to what I was doing), same lock-up.  Rebooting Windohs corrected this for me.
  2. This issue, or similar still exists beyond v15. I'm trying to add some logic changes for a customer on an L61 using v18.02. I just got this error trying to import a new routine online to a running CPU. Both the routine and the AOI instruction verified in the offline project before exporting the L5K. The routine I was trying to import is using a new AOI which has required BOOL outputs. In the routine I have used BOOL tags aliased to elements of a BOOL array. All tags, the AOI, and routine (of course) are new to the online project. So either it's not just about changing tags in online run mode, or it doesn't differentiate between existing tags and the new tags which came along with the imported .L5K file. At the very end of the import process I get a message "Error: Add-On Instruction 'AI_ALM': Internal Object Identifier(IOI) destination unknown." AI_ALM is my new AOI. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Otherwise we'll have to look at doing the code differently or waiting until we can take the machine down to do a download (assuming that will work). Thanks, -Brad
  3. Thanks Stu. I've used this feature of ControlLogix several times before on previous projects going back 10+ years and don't recall this issue. I guess we did a better job of staying out of each other's way. I read KB25961 and that might explain one or maybe two of the occurences, but there would appear to be something else going on as well. As I mentioned I lost a change I had not only applied but actually tested the functionality on, and we lost pending edits when only one programmer was actually using their computer. Thanks, -Brad
  4. This happened to me three times yesterday. Twice with the same rung edits (lost the changes I was making for the second time). We do have two engineers programming in the same PLC, and my local distributor's support personnel suggested it's not a real problem and that the other engineer may have cancelled edits in the routine I was working on, which could have removed my pending changes. But one of my three changes I had accepted and even tested the functionality on the machine. Later when it did not work anymore, I went back and the changes I had made were gone. I was online the whole time, so no one did a download when I wasn't looking or I would have been kicked-off (plus the other guy is sitting right next to me and neither of us did a download). Still, they did not seem to believe me. Today it happened again, except not to me but the other engineer. Even though I was online with the PLC, I was on the phone and not even looking at RSL5k during the period it happened, so it wasn't anything I did. His change included an export of a FB task, changing some tag names, then importing it as a new FB task. He was looking at other task to connect the tags for his new task and along the way his new FB task turned into a blank sheet. So the problem is not just in my head, it would have to be in both of our heads. And it exists in both ladder and FB. Any thoughts? Suggestions? Thanks, -Brad