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Posts posted by patb63

  1. I follow what you're saying and I agree. Our use of the ONS instruction is a little different. We use it to only give us one instance of an event happening.....usually when a photoeye gets blocked, we only want to perform operations on the leading edge of the carton (i.e. starting to track it down a conveyor, increment counts, etc.) Thanks for your input...did I just make a pun?!?!?!?!

  2. paulengr- I read this thread browsing through the forum and I have a question for you. Can you give me an example of what you meant when you said you avoid using the ONS instruction by using "hold" bits? We use the ONS instruction quite a bit sometimes and I'm curious as to your method of avoiding them. Thanks.

  3. Thanks Contr_Conn for the advice. This program was really just to prove that we could use the EWEB module for our communication. I now have to go back and make the code "packageable" for our other engineers to use for their projects. I will investigate more fully the MSG error checking. As far as the Delete All Sockets, this will be the only controller communicationg with the server. You were right about the AB tech support guy knowing the EWEB module. I was very pleased that I got such a quick response from AB. I was also glad that I picked all the right choices going through the menu options at tech support (I usually wind up in the wrong department). I'll try to download the NEW and IMPROVED version of this code when I get it done. Again, thanks to all for the help and guidance.

  4. You're so right!!! Called A-B Tech Support and they told me the same thing. I had the guy writing the PC vB part of this system check and he found an error in his code!!!! Which means.........MY PART WORKS!!!!!! So, my post above can be seen as a preliminary method of having socket communication from a ControLogix to a PC. I'll be improving this code and can repost it in the downloads area when I'm done if anyone's interested.

  5. AE_EWEB_ver5.ACDOkay, I've gotten this far and I'm getting to the point of pulling the hair out of my bald head. The attached program takes string data from a serial port on a ProSoft module and sends it over a socket to a PC using an EWEB module. The PC sends a message back giving an assignment for the barcode. Once the barcode is processed, the PLC sends a confirm message back to the PC over the socket. The PC then acknowledges that message. Also, every ten seconds, a status message is sent to the PC. The PC acknowledges the status message the same way as the confirm message. Here's the rub: 1) the status message sends okay; the acknowledgement from the PC comes back okay 2) when a barcode is sent, the PC sends the assignment, the confirm is sent back and the acknowledgement is received......then the MSG instruction for reading the socket errors out with an error code of 00ff (hex) and an extended error code of 36 (hex).....the closest explanation for these codes is ECONNRESET - "connection reset by peer" - whatever that means 3) at one time this code worked..then something changed and it quit working Again, I'm asking for any assistance anyone can lend. Thanks.

  6. Thanks for the info. BTW, my EWEB module is here. I have been semi-successful in getting communications going via sockets to/from the controller. I've examined the EWEB module instruction manual and when my head quits hurting, I'm hoping to have a better understanding of this module. Any idea where there might be some sample code out there to try and refine my logic?

  7. I've tried searching until I'm blue in the face and can't seem to find exactly what I need. I want to send ASCII data to and from an L5562 processor to my PC via Ethernet. My questions are: 1) Can this be done with a MSG instruction through an ENBT module? If so, how do I set it up? 2) What will I need in a vB program on my PC to capture this data besides an IP address to look for? I am awaiting arrival of an EWEB module, which I know will allow me to do this via a sockets interface. I'm just trying to find another alternative for this. Thanks for any and all info.

  8. Chakorules- not sure why you can't force an alias...I've done it a lot in Logix5000 when starting up a new system. Maybe I'm not sure what you mean by your comment. As a veteran of the "old school" PLC systems, I too thought I wouldn't like the Logix5000 tag naming system, but, as in so many other things, I was wrong. It makes for ease of use in going from one system to another when there are similarities in programming. Also, the user defined tags are pretty handy for developing special tags to transport from job to job. Most of the maintenance guys we deal with either will never see the program, or love the "English language" version of knowing what is not working in a rung of logic. I have to say that I'm liking Logix5000 more each time I use it.

  9. Just got started examining version 16 of RSLogix 5000. One of the interesting aspects I saw was the ability to use Socket communication. Anybody got any easy ways to explain to me how to do this? I've tried setting up a Generic CIP Msg instruction to send data to my PC using a vB program acting as the server. I keep getting an error of "16#0005-Class or instance not supported". How do I determine the instance for this application, or better yet, how should this Msg be sent? Thanks in advance.

  10. Since I get more answers here than from GE Tech Support, can anybody tell me the procedure to connect to a 90-70 processor remotely? The processor and modem are located remote to my office. Supposedly they have worked in the past. What is the procedure to connect on my end? I'm assuming I would dial from Windows and make the connection, then start Machine Edition, but I'm not sure what settings I need to change in PME to make the connection work. As always, thanks for any help. Pat

  11. Sorry about that...this job has me addle-brained. Looks like I might have gotten the communications to work finally.....we'll see for sure tomorrow. I'll make a good post of the code when I get back home from here.

  12. Got it to work somewhat today through Hyperterminal with the file I downloaded just now. It seems to work okay most of the time, but sometimes won't flush the buffer. Don't be too critical of the code...I haven't used GE software for twenty five years. Thanks for any help you can give. BTW, when I called GE Tech Support today for some help, I was told I would have to wait until Monday because the plant wouldn't be down until then. Guess what hardware and software I don't want to use anymore.

  13. Not sure how to post the code unless I just send you a copy of the program. Then again, with this Proficy Machine Edition, not even sure I can do that easily. I've tried following Chapter 9 (as much as my feeble brain will allow). I'm using a leading edge output (one shot) energized from photoeyes at my scanners to do the Data Move instructions that I thought would tell the PLC to read the port for data. (Not real sure how to make it keep looking until data is there.) I've been trying to use Hyperterminal to simulate my server PC's communications, but I get zilch from the port, or at least in the registers I try to put the data..

  14. I guess I still can't believe it is this difficult to read 4 characters over a serial port...I still can't get this stupid thing to work...even with the 363 CPU.

  15. Money not really an we're working for is purchasing all the GE parts we use. They "recommended" those two processors only because they have serial ports. I'm really struggling trying to get this communication thing to work. All for a lousy four character message!!!!!!

  16. Talked to GE Tech Support today. They said the only way to do straight serial communications was to use a IC693CPU352 or IC693CPU363 processor. The second port on them can be configured for "normal" RS-232 use. Thanks for the help. We have a new processor shipping to us tonight.