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About Derk

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  • Country United States
  1. I am currently looking for a good tablet PC for our production superviros to use in our factory. They use thin clients at there desk so i would only need windows XP embedded on it. I have tried the samsung Q1. way to clunky. I have also tried DT research. to expensive and battery life is horrible. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  2. Newbie: GX Dev FX question

    Well we are going to purchase the newest version. what would be the best place to buy it?
  3. Newbie: GX Dev FX question

    i did this no such luck
  4. Newbie: GX Dev FX question

    I work in the IT dept for a manufacturing company. They have a laptop with windows XP on that has Mitsubishi GX DEV FX software installed on it. It is version 5. They haven't used it in years. The guy informed me the last time they used it he thinks it was on win98. The other IT guy seemed to just copy the folder and not install the program on the new laptop. He gets an error when starting up the program that says failed to load startup. The electrician can go into and write a new program but cannot save it. I know this is an OLD version but does anyone have any ideas?