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Everything posted by Eduardo.Peart

  1. S7-300 with Barcode Scanner

    Hi, I have a Barcode Scanner connected to a S7-300 (CPU313C- 2 PtP). The PLC is already receiving and monitoring part of the Barcode, 16 characters. I need to see at least 20 characters! I've tried modifying different parameters that has to do with the Lenght of the message (Eg. LEN, Array in DB1), but haven't been able to get the rest of the Data. In the DB1 I can see the spaces for the next 4 characters, but they appear blank! Hope somebody can help me with this... Regards, Eduardo Peart
  2. S7-300 with Barcode Scanner

    Jim, Thanks!! That's exactly what I needed to do... I just found out a couple hours ago and it worked! Thanks very much anyways... Regards, Eduardo Peart
  3. Step7 V5.4 authorization key lost

    Hi, we had a similar problem with our Step7 license. After trying to recover the license and just didn't have any success, we talked to the Siemens guys. It was a slow process (hope it is not with your case) but they have gave us back 1 or 2 licenses... Regards,