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Posts posted by Davo

  1. So, I re-wrote the program and attached a bunch of lights and switches so I could duplicate the field. This new program behaves in the simulator as it does on the Logo. /shrug

  2. Okay. So I have a program with various fault conditions; six inputs, four outputs, two alternating pumps on a basic x-0BA5 Logo. It works fine in the simulator, and almost works fine in the field. Except it gives a fault light (but still runs). The fault light goes out when the "run" signal is jumped out on the motor starter protector of the _idle_ motorstarter. While this should, in fact, cause an alarm (and does on the simulator), it fixes the alarm in the field (and on my desk in a duplicate environment). Are there any known bugs that might relate? For those interested, a screenshot of the program is at http://morelight.org/davo/logoprog.jpg and a copy of the program is at http://morelight.org/davo/logoprog.lsc Thanks for any help!

  3. Hi again. I need to update a program for a Logo! (v-0BA5) which is already in the field. I loaded the program onto another 0BA5 Logo!, then to a memory module (6EDI 056-1AA00-0AA0), which looks right, but the Logo! reports the card as unrecognized. Is there a different (newer) version memory module that I need to make this program portable? Thanks!

  4. Hello again. We have a 224xp with a profibus module. The program seemed to be running well, with a PID loop to govern drive output. While troubleshooting the logic for alternating the drives, the PID just seems to have stopped working. This is my first time messing with a PID, and the shop guru is in the field today. Is there some common error I should be looking for? Is there an online primer anyone recommends? I haven't been trained on this yet.

  5. Hi. I just took a Siemens class, but I can't find an answer in my book... or online. I have an S7-200 224XP with 10 discrete outputs, but I need 12. It seems like I should be able to send current through the analog ports to energize 24VDC relays. Can this be done? How, please?

  6. Help! I just wrote a program in LOGO!Soft Comfort 5.0.20, and when I try to load it onto the LOGO!230RCL (-0BA2), I get the message "Transfer not possible, because the connected LOGO! is incompatible..." Judging from Tools > Select Hardware, it looks like only the last four versions are compatible, -0BA4 and -0BA5. What software do I need to write to this device?

  7. NEVERMIND - I figured out how to switch the on-delay to hours. Heh. Hi. I'm on a Logo, and I need a particular value to be 1 for 24 hours, then 0 for 24 hours, cycling continuously. I can get the basic functionality I want using on-delays, but I can only set them for 99 seconds; I need 86,400 seconds. Am I overlooking something?

  8. Hi. Newbie here, programming a LOGO! 230RC. I have a couple of On-Delay blocks, and I was wondering if it was possible for the end users to set their own delay at the unit in the field, or is it fixed with whatever delay I upload the program with? Thanks!