Dr. Watson

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Everything posted by Dr. Watson

  1. Communications to a DVT Camera

    I'm pretty sure everything should work fine now...I had a little issue with the software v.s. firmware revision combination I was using. Thanks!!!
  2. Bob, I also need to communicate to a DVT camera to get the pass/fail status of the tools I've configured. Can you give me any insight as to how I access the information in the camera...I'm not very familiar with cameras yet. Thanks.
  3. Communications to a DVT Camera

    Bob, I got called out onsite yesterday, so I just got all the stuff you sent...Thanks a ton! I'll look over everything and may take you up on your offer. Thanks again!
  4. Communications to a DVT Camera

    Yes...I did a Yahoo search and this came up. I checked Bob's profile to see if he was still active and his last activity was on the same day I posted this...that's why I posted.
  5. MSG connection error

    Hmmm...I always thought the cached connections would save the path in the buffer, so if you only have two targets you would only have two active connections. It doesn't make any since to me that you would experience connection timeouts with this configuration. The process should go like this: Connection buffer is opened Communication path is established (this should be resolved already if the connection is cached) Requested data is retrived Connection buffer is closed What are you triggering the msg statements with? Are these reads, writes, or both? Are all of the connections cached when its working properly? I've found that they either have to all be cached or none of them be cached, if they happen concurrently I think you're much better off not caching any connections.
  6. MSG connection error

    I've had problems in the past with this. Basiclly it came down to having more msg connections than msg buffers in the processor. I want to say there are 16 connection buffers in the Logix 5000, but I can't remember for sure. If you try to cache say 20 connections the processor doesn't have the buffer space to accomodate all of them and you'll get some erroring out. The best method to resolve this is to not cache any connections (this can only be done in program mode or offline and downloaded I believe) and let logix process the requests as they come in.