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About 19Jonny1998

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  1. Pilz & FX5U communication

    Hello, I am relatively new to gxworks and I am struggling to find any help online regarding communicating between a pilz and fx5u. I am trying to communicate between a pilz m b0 & m ES Eth to a FX5U PLC. I am not having any luck with them communicating with each other. On the ethernet configuration on GX works 3 I am getting a constant ‘connecting’ in the TCP status section. I have function blocks setup in the code. The ip address is correctly set on the pilz unit. The PLC and pilz are connected to each other with an ethernet switch, when I am connected to the switch from my laptop I can go online with them both at the same time. If you require anymore information please ask, I understand I am may be missing something. Any help would be very much appreciated