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About Mopar67ply

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  1. Converting ASCII to decimal

    Yes, uppercase ASCII A-F.
  2. Converting ASCII to decimal

    Sorry for my ignorance an ascii but I think a simple move from an N data type to an A data type (an vice versa)will accomplish what I need...I found that elseware in this forum..THANKS!!! I also hope the micro supports this data mix of sorts....Nope no ascii data type on micros....
  3. Converting ASCII to decimal

    Un fortunately, ACI will ignore the A-F of hexadecimal numbers and only spit out 0-9. Subracting 30 from each number would only take care of 0-9. A-F is 41-46 ascii. I could search the string, determine if the character is numeric or A-F and then manipulate it by subtracting 30 or equating 41-41 ASCII to A-Fh. and then deal with it, but like I said before I was hoping there was another way, as I will eat up scan time merely checking the strings. Like I said...I'm starting to think this effort is futile and I'll stick to using I/O. Thanks for the input though. Mike
  4. Ok, I am relatively new to this forum and I have been searching through the archives for a relative answer. However, I was wondering if someone can help me out directly. I have a string coming in from on CH0 on a SLC, or Micro 1100 or 1200, that contains numeric data in ASCII format. The problem is it is hexadecimal, meaning I could and will potentially have letters A though F. Is there a function that I am overlooking that will take the letters in ASCII (41h-46h) and convert it to A through F hex...without using a compare and then a move (Basically a small lookup table). I hope I am explaining this correctly, maybe another way to put it is if I have an ASCII "F" which equals 46h, is there a function that will convert this directly to a Fh? All of this is in an increasingly futile effort to command an IAI actuator via the serial port. THANKS FOR THE HELP!!!