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Everything posted by JoanC

  1. DLV file format

    OK, I have a winner. As Berti says, maybe I could do it with scripts from CX-Supervisor itself. The problem is that I would need a complete installation of CX-Supervisor to do that, and then I should learn the scripting language. Plus, the data extraction is just the start. I need to do a lot more processing once I have got the data, and I want to do it in Python. So, the integration will be easier if the whole thing is done in Python. As I said, DLVs are in the "Composite Document File V2" format. The file contains several so-called streams, each of which is one of the variables you can plot in Data Log Viewer. I first used oletools to examine the data. It's a set of small programs that can read these files. One of them is olebrowse, which gives you a simple GUI that allows you to read the file, see its structure and extract streams from it. However, oletools is oriented to computer security analysis, so it's not the best tool for me. Then you have, which fits the job perfectly. It's a tool written in Python by Didier Stevens and it seems to be in the public domain. Thanks, Didier, if you ever read this. You really need only two of the many features of this tool: python3 -i file.dlv gives you a listing of the streams (variables) contained in the file, with the index number, stream size, and name. python3 -s<stream #> -d file.dlv dumps stream #7 as a binary file to standard output, so if you want to dump stream #7, e.g., you have to do: python3 -s7 -d file.dlv > variable7.bin Now, this is a binary file, with big-endian integers. Your mileage may vary here. In my case, I have found that each record has: a single byte a long integer (4 bytes), which is the date and time in POSIX format a short integer (2 bytes), meaning unknown another long integer, which is the value measured. I have written a small piece of Python code that reads the file. import struct import binascii from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta filename = "s7.bin" # This is the record format values = '< c L H L' # < big-endian # c one char (unknown) # L long integer (date) # H short integer (unknown) # L long integer (value) struct_len = struct.calcsize(values) # record size struct_unpack = struct.Struct(values).unpack_from # shorthand, really with open(filename, "rb") as f: while True: data = # read each record if not data: break record = struct_unpack(data) # unpack the record # Now record[1] is a Unix timestamp with the date # and record[3] is the value # record[0] and record[2] may be padding, or timezone related (?) # this is one way to print the time with timezone=UTC+1 print(datetime.fromtimestamp(record[1],tz=timezone(timedelta(hours=1))).strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S0')) print(record[3]) The whole thing is really fast. Of course, use at your own risk, I'm not implying that this may be of use to anybody, and so on.  
  2. DLV file format

    Hi there, I have a few years worth of .DLV files and I would like to do some serious data mining on them. I want to extract all the data into a database and do all sorts of analysis. One way to do it would be opening each file, one by one, exporting the data to CSV (twice per file, actually, because there are more than ten variables) and then import all the .csv files into my database. But since I have more than one thousand .dlv files, I'd rather take a more direct approach and parse the files myself with a custom-made program. I have done some analysis, and I have seen that the timestamps are stored in Unix format (4 bytes), and the actual data I need is 2-byte integers. Still, the file has some oddities and I can't interpret the headers at all. I would like to get my hands on some documentation about the file format. I don't need a user manual, it would be more of a programmer's guide. Does this exist? Joan
  3. DLV file format

    Well, it is indeed binary, but I have done some research and I just found out it's readable with the right tools. The format is actually Composite Document File V2, and there are some tools that can read that. The file has several streams, one per item, Then each stream is a binary file with a fixed record format, easily readable with a C program. I am using oletools to extract the streams but exploring, I'll keep you posted. I will look into ExportLog, too, thank you very much, Berti.