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I have Delta 12SA2 PLC it has RS232 port and I have connected it to kepserver (by Modbus serial) and then factory IO

Now my problem is that when I connect my PLC to kepserver the RS232 port becomes busy with the kepserver and not available in the ISPSoft and therefore I could not demonstrate factory io and my logic in run mode in the isp soft together like you do in your videos.

My PLC don't have ethernet port but is there an option in kepserver or any way by which i can use the same serial port of the PLC in isp soft run mode and kepserver+factory io together so that I can simultaneously show the logic running in isp soft and application working in factory io to my students.

I googled a lot and found some softwares which make virtual serial ports for a given serial port but they don't work and soon hang

Please help me I am in a great need of it.
Thanks in advance.

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Get a serial to Ethernet converter  and use the Ethernet Encapsulation Option in the Modbus Serial Driver to connect to the Modbus device. That leaves you Serial port on the PC open.

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Try software https://www.serial-over-ethernet.com/ for comparison.

It supports full functionality in the trial version. It may NOT be that everything hangs every time. Maybe you have problems with the network?
Usually, this is a standard procedure and there should be no problems with a virtual serial port or a physical serial port.
I wish you good luck!

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