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Databases POSTGRESQL with TwinCAT of Beckhoff

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I would first like to greet you and to thank those who answer my questions. I installed Postgresql database on my laptop for development. I wish I could access Postgresql database from TwinCAT software developed by Beckhoff. 1 - To this effect, I used directly the function block FB_DBOdbcConnectionAdd For that here are the settings I completed: sNetID:= , eDBType:= eDBType_ODBC_PostgreSQL , eDBValueType:=eDBValue_Double , sDBDriver:='{PostgreSQL UNICODE}', //sDBServer:= '', sDBServer:= 'localhost', sDBDatabase:= 'Name_DataBase' , nDBPort:=5432 , //sDBProtocol:= , sDBUserId:= 'postgres', sDBPassword:='passCreated' , sDBScheme:='public' , //sDBSequence:= , //sDBClientDll:= , sDBTable:=’tbl_Name’, bExecute:=TRUE , tTimeout:=T#20S); 2 - Then I run the FB_DBConnectionOpen function to verify that a connection been added to the database. 3 - Then I create a table using the function FB_DBTableCreate 4 - Finally I add the items in the table with the function block FB_DBRecordInsert. However, my program hangs at step number 2 with an error TwinCAT # 1 internal Error. I checked and manipulate all parameters of (1 -) because the function (1 -) runs properly and generates hDBID. But other performance are no longer feasible. Can you give me your help? Thank you in advance.

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