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Verifying OPC Write was successful

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I am using Excel w/ VBA code to read and write to a CLX thru RSLinx. (with AB's rsiopcauto.dll) My question is does anyone have a good idea for verifying that the write was ok? When I read the tags I check the error and qualities to make sure I have valid values. What can I do when I write to the plc? So far my only idea is to read all the tags again, and compare them to what I just wrote. Just wondering if anyone has something more elegant in mind... Thanks

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Those are pretty much your two options - do a read back and monitor the OPC quality code. Something more elegant - write your OPC code using the .NET client wrapper as supplied by the foundation instead of relying on an old tool on a shaky platform (automatic running Excel VBA macros aren't exactly ideal). Better yet, find a suitable software application that does the nasty work for you.

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