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Posts posted by edcahe1986

  1. On 19/8/2011 at 6:36 AM, PMersault said:

    RSViewSE and FactoryTalk View SE are essentially the same product at different versions. I can't recall the timeline, but maybe around 5 years ago Rockwell changed most of their "RS" naming to "FactoryTalk." Another example would be RSBatch = FactoryTalk Batch. So the concepts in the knowbase article below extend to your version as well, Rockwell simply hasn't updated it in a while. The second option is the most robust, and what I would recommend. Of course, it also requires the most administration on your end. A subset of this option would be to programatically extend the client frame, then allow your users to move the windows around on their own, as opposed to 'hard coding' their location in the display properties. I attached the referenced ZIP here in case it helps. Multiple Monitor Code Sample.zip

    Hi, where Can I download the attachement?

