
MrPLC Member
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About NgoHoang

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  • Country Vietnam
  1. FINS Ethernet in CPL1-EL

    Thank @IO_Rack! I do it DONE
  2. FINS Ethernet in CPL1-EL

    Thank @IO_Rack!   I will check and feedback
  3. FINS Ethernet in CPL1-EL

    Dear all! I'm studying a case as follow: Use a tool on PC (Hercules) Write value 1234 (0x04D2) to D10 of PLC CP1L-EL via FINS Ethernet UDP with built-in Ethernet port. 1. Config on PLC and PC (Hercules tool) in attach files. 2. IP PLC:, IP PC: 3. Send command from PC (hex): 46 49 4E 53 00 00 00 1A 80 00 00 01 FA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 02 01 01 82 00 0A 04 D2    + 46 49 4E 53: 'FINS' header.    + 00 00 00 1A: data length 26 bytes.    + 80 00: Identify FINS UDP.    + 00: Network Address.    + 01: Node Address of PLC.    + FA: Unit Address of Ethernet build-in Port on PLC.    + 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00: Set to 0.    + 01 02: Write command.    + 01 01: Sub-command.    + 82: Memory code for D area memory.    + 00 0A: Start address (D10).    + 04 D2: Value need to write (1234). => Dada CAN NOT Write to D10 of PLC. => Could you help to suggest to me what is wrong or miss? => Do need to put SEND, RECEIVE or CMND instruction to source-code?
  4. NX1P2 SktTCPConnect

  5. Dear Mr! I have a project with 1 PLC Omron connect with 4 HMI Weintek MT7802IP. My problem is only 3 of 4 HMI can connect. I swap all of them but at the same time only 3 HMI can connect. Note:     - Setting of 4 HMI are same, only different the memory area communicate with PLC Please help me how to fix it? Thanks a lot
  6. Hi All! Normally, we configure for "I/O Assignment" in PLC Q by GX-Works2 from PLC Parameter window (In normal like the attach file). Can we configure or monitor "I/O Assignment" in PLC Mitsubishi Q by writing to Special Memory (like SD, SM...)??? If It is possible, please send me the Manual? Thanks alot!  
  7. Dear I'm studying PLC Omron NX1P2 series. I'm facing an issue with "_sSOCKET_ADDRESS" data type in SktTCPConnect function block. Could you tell me how to define the value for this datatype in SysmacStudio? which is format for "_sSOCKET_ADDRESS" data type Ex: I want to declare DestAddress is  
  8. QD75MH2_Error

    Hi all! I'm using QD75MH2 module with Q03UDV CPU for control Servo MR-J3-_B. But an erro occur at module QD75MH2 when I power-on system with Error-code is 1201. --->>> In manual do not show me how to resolve this issue and I can not execute OPR system because this module can not ready. --->>> Please help me how to solve this issue!!! Thanks a lot!
  9. Honeywell ControlEdge Builder

    Dear all!   I'm is new in PLC Honeywell. I'm looking for ControlEdge Builder software for programming Honeywell PLC. Please send me the link download if you have. I'm downloading at address: Please tell me that is correct software version for programming PLC or not? Or I need to install any more software for my purpose   Thanks 
  10. Division a unsigned WORD

    Dear all! I have 2 variable Word_1 and Word_2 are usigned type, the formular is: Word_1:=Word_2/10; Please show me how to divide a unsigned WORD? I try some cases but GX_Work2 show ERROR. Thanks and best regard!  
  11. sigmatek

    Hi all! I face a issue when I create a new project. Look like 8 library was lost. Could you send me these lib? Thanks a lot!!!!
  12. SP_READ Function

    Dear! Could you tell me manual of SP_READ/SP_WRITE function in PLC Mitsubishi? I can not find it in the manual I have. This function is used to communicate from PLC to PLC, right? Thanks
  13. CC Link IE Field Basic

    Yes, thanks @Gambit With another protocol, I finished. I just want to try CC-Link IEF Basis built-in ethernet port. Now ok, I understood about it.
  14. CC Link IE Field Basic

    Yes, @Gambit! I try to connect 2 PLC Mitsu Q06UDV CPU using  CC-Link IEF Basic . In the config window, I can not config the CPU as Slave station. Have you use CC-Link IEF Basic? Can you share your ideas.  
  15. CC Link IE Field Basic

    Dear all! I upgraded GX_Works2 to V1.570U successfully. And I can config CC-Link IEF Basic. After study some thing, I realize that CPU of PLC always is Master station (we can not config it as Slave station). Any more ideas, please share together. Thanks and best regard!