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Posts posted by Elizabeth86

  1. Hi I have built this code to wig-wag on and off at 2 seconds using a timer. I now need to make it flash 5 flashes per/sec by switching input x3. So I have been doing a bit of research and found if I use M8028 I can achieve this, but my code doesn't work. Could someone please take a look and point me in the right direction.

  2. Hi Kaare_t re-wire them on the PLC inputs? I haven't changed anything physically. This is what I don't really understand, how that would ever work on GX works 2. I understand how it works as a circuit with electricity. I think nightfly could be right with the start up, and you saying about changing the inputs.

  3. Hi Kaare_t I didn't run them together, I just put one above the other for the picture. I built the latching circuit with N/O switches, which works great. Then deleted them and built the code with N/C switches. Soon as I go to test it Y1 is on and it doesn't go off when switching X1 or X2.

  4. Thanks Sparky That does make sense, I think i have managed to copy the code below as a URL. The top wo rungs are the latching with normally open switches and the bottom two are latching with normally closed switches. Also I haven't been running them together I am using an fx1s thats set up with 7 switches and 7 output lights, to physically see it working.

  5. Hi I am new to PLC's and have been given some exercises to do for college, I have done all but one. I did a latching circuit with a SET and RES which was if X1 or X2 is turned on the alarm goes off, X7 resets. Now the question asks do the same but with N/C. When I tried this the alarm is on straight away. Hopefully someone will be able to put an end to my PLC pain I'm using GX Works 2