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Posts posted by Andrew

  1. Just for clarification a "Megger" test and HIPOT test is not the same. UL/CSA States 1 minute test: Line Voltage X2 + 1000V 1 second test Line Voltage X2 + 1000V + 20% Words of advice Don't Hi-pot Low voltage lines (24V for example) Get an AC Hipot tester they are more forgivable then DC. Be gentle on relay coil wires (The relays will cycle repeatedly) Obviously DO NOT let yourself or anyone touch any metal surfaces while doing the test And obviously unhook your ground from your neutral line in the panel

  2. Most industrial panel are set up very alike, Transformer at the top left corner, PLC and Power supplies in the center, and Input/Output terminal blocks and intrinsic barriers at the bottom. It's very good practice to not run signal wires in Parallel with voltage carrying wires because of possible induced voltage, crisscrossing is fine though and of-course shielded signal wires and lower voltage lines don't apply to this. Doing this though is unfortunately not always possible. Key to a nice panel is proper color coding and proper use of wiring duct.